Year 9 students - leading the way

Year 9 Student Representative Council
On behalf of all of our Year 9 students, a huge congratulations to our Year 9 SRC representatives for 2022 - Sadeer Al-Zuhairi, Adriano Rotondaro, Sarah De Battista & Xara Zaineddine. We are extremely proud of your accomplishments and are looking forward to seeing all the great things you will achieve this year!
Year 9 Student Spotlight
Name: Xara Zaineddine
Favourite thing about Year 9: My favourite thing about year 9 is getting to experience different things that we never did in year 7/8. We have more responsibility!
Favourite quote: Are we doing something fun today?"- Xara Zaineddine
Greatest achievement: Becoming an SRC representative
If you could only participate in ONE subject for 4 periods a day, what would it be and why? Dance, this is my elective subject, and this is something I find so much joy in inside and outside of school.
What advice would you give to the current Year 7's starting their high school journey? Don't stop working hard when things get difficult.
Name: Maher Majeed
Favourite thing about Year 9: My favourite thing about year 9 is that we have more opportunities with our electives.
Name: Sadeer Alzuhairi
What is your favourite thing about Year 9? Teachers and subjects
Greatest achievement: I have many, but it was getting the golden medal in karate on the Australian championship and be the champion of the year
If you could only participate in ONE subject for 4 periods a day, what would it be and why? Math or Sport
Name: Sing Duong
Favourite thing about Year 9: the nice people/friends surrounding me
If you could only participate in ONE subject for 4 periods a day, what would it be and why? Music because I want to learn the guitar
What advice would you give to the current Year 7's starting their high school journey? Love yourself!
Name: Lyon Nguyen
What is your favourite thing about Year 9? My favourite thing about Year 9 is that I get a different set of students for each subject
What is your favourite quote and why? My favourite quote is "I like those odds" because it represents how I handle my tasks.
If you could only participate in ONE subject for 4 periods a day, what would it be and why? I would choose math because I'll learn something that I could use when I'm an adult
What advice would you give to the current Year 7's starting their high school journey? The advice I would give is to always study when you get an assessment.
Ms Cupac and Mr Nguy
Year 9 Advisers