Year 10
successful learners
Year 10
successful learners
Year 10 is a pivotal year where students work hard to achieve their Record of School Achievement. Our teachers will be there to support them to manage their time and ensure they produce quality assessment tasks. So far tasks have been set across the areas of Information Software Technology in week 5 and History, Photography and Digital Media, Maths and Music tasks in week 6 and 7. Every Monday students have the opportunity to map out their up and coming homework and assessment tasks to ensure a step by step approach to both their organisation and learning.
Thank you to our wonderful wellbeing team for their extensive work to make our students and staff feel inclusive and supported. Our year advisers look forward to and work closely to ensure they know and cater for every student and students feel valued and cared for.
Our connect groups are the first lesson of the day and are pivotal in setting the tone across the school. Year Advisers and connect teachers use this opportunity to get to know their group and engage our students in activities that benefit both their self-esteem and confidence. Instilling a positive environment and adding a bit of fun into connect sessions creates an enjoyable and motivating start to the day for all involved. Our schedules also allow time for year meetings and important lessons focusing on literacy. The discussion surrounding literacy lessons has really enhanced students understanding and further supported students in their development of inference skills.
This term the themes addressed in our Connect lessons so far have been.
Year 7 Stymie and bullying support
Year 8 Motivational speakers and overcoming hopelessness
Year 9 Goal setting and kindness
Year 10 Developing a sense of self, goal setting, resilience and managing work loads
Year 11 Respect, navigating assessments and academic conduct
Year 12 Study planners and assessment schedules
Thank you to Mr Cupic for his work with 10 Goolagong 2 in developing the skills of inference.
Our year 10 photography and digital media students have been working very hard in Photoshop on their Horror Movie Poster Assessment Task. I am very much looking forward and excited to see their final projects.
Christine Lord
Deputy Principal - Year 10