Across Oliver's Desk 

Principal's Report

Dear Parents,


Welcome back to a year of no remote learning, well that is what we have been promised and I hope that is exactly what happens!


It has been a brilliant start to the year, to be honest it’s just terrific seeing smiling faces in the school and a return to some sort of normality.  Our Preps have transitioned amazingly well as have our new families that have moved into the area. One of our new students in grade 5 told me after his first day, ‘it was the best school day ever!’ A nice endorsement for our school. Unfortunately over the summer break we have had to say no to many families living outside our school zone that would like to bring their children here. 


As a community we need to extend a big welcome to some new staff, Penny Trueman (3/4C), Rachael Falls (3/4D), Elyse Newman (5/6B) and our tutor/support teacher, Alex Dear, who have joined our growing staff. We are very lucky to have so much talent coming to our school. 


Late last year we congratulated Katie MacDonald on her nuptials. Katie’s married name is Katie Thatcher, so I also welcome Mrs Thatcher!


Our school chaplain Veronica has decided to move closer to her family, which, unfortunately means she will be finishing up at the school at the end of the term.  Veronica is an icon of our school and will be simply impossible to replace. She has worked at the school for over16years. In that time she helped thousands of families and children.  Her kind caring nature mixed with her tenacity to get good outcomes for people is legendary. She has made sure people in our school community are fed, clothed, housed and warm. Thousands of children have gone on camps simply because of Veronica.  On the days that Veronica works I’m always chasing her out the door at night as she is always the last staff member still at school. Often I will receive an email from Veronica at 12 midnight. Her commitment to our school and the community has no limits in Veronica’s eyes. She has simply been a God send to all of us.  I know many people reading this will be feeling very sad that Veronica is leaving us but she has certainly earned a well-deserved rest. However, we still have her for a short time yet. I’m sure many of you will want to thank Veronica personally before she leaves. I’m glad we all have some time to show our gratitude to such a wonderful Woori legend.



The focuses for our school in 2022 are the following:

  • Writing 
  • Reading comprehension 
  • Catch up programs for all our students that missed learning due to the last two interrupted years 
  • Our school values
  • Greater student involvement in their own learning
  • Student leadership

We are going to reach for the stars this year. As I wrote last year, we aspire to be the best school in Australia. 



Firstly I have to apologise to a number of Prep parents who only recently were given their box of Rapid Antigen Tests. We are as frustrated as parents that we did not receive enough of the tests to give out. We hope this does not happen again for the next round of deliveries. 

Even though we had a few cases last week and we had a number of students who had to isolate due to being a close contact at home, the system seems to be working. The tests are doing what they are designed to do. Find positive students and staff early so that they stay home. Please continue to test your children twice a week or if they have symptoms. At school we are doing everything we can to keep everyone as safe as possible. A big thank you to all our parents for understanding the rules and abiding by them.


At the start of each term we like to make sure we get our uniform policy right and that our students wear their uniform with pride. On the first day of school we had a number of students who didn’t have black shoes as a part of their uniform. Our uniform includes predominately black shoes, (see photo) with white or black laces.   Our staff and our school council will be pushing our motto, “take pride at all times”, which includes wearing your uniform correctly and with pride.  Thank you again for your support of the school’s uniform policy, we really look smart as a school when everyone is on board.




On the 15th of February our 5/6 students will be off to Wilsons Promontory on camp. The lucky things get to canoe, hike, surf, swim, climb mountains and much more.  At Woori we believe every child should have the experience of camping in one of the most beautiful places in the world, The Prom!  We will update you with photos in the next addition of the newsletter!


We are very proactive in our approach to anti bullying. I’m proud to say that our survey results over the last few years reflect that we are doing very well in this space. Our results from our parent survey and our student survey have us way above the state average and school network for, Managing Bullying and students Not Experiencing Bullying.  Bullying however does occur at times and when it does we need to be very proactive in the way we deal with it so that the bullying stops. If your child tells you that they are being targeted by an individual please let your teacher, Flick or myself know as soon as possible. 


We have been identified as a school that closes on days that are deemed to have a fire danger rating of code red.  Luckily there haven’t been any significant fires in our immediate vicinity this year considering the extreme heat we have experienced this summer.  See below for more information regarding our school being on the Bushfire-At Risk Register.


School procedures for the bushfire season

The way schools in Victoria respond to bushfires is being constantly revised. 

Fire danger ratings and warnings are used in Victoria to provide clear direction on the safest options for preserving life.


Schools – and children’s services – identified as being at highest bushfire risk have been included on the Bushfire-At Risk Register (BARR) and will be closed on days determined by fire authorities to be Code Red. Our school has been identified as a school at highest bushfire risk and is listed on the BARR.


Where possible, we will provide parents with up to three days notice of a planned closure following the issue of a Code Red warning by the CFA.  We will contact you directly by email, SMS or letter sent home with your child with advice on planned closures and will confirm the decision to close by 12 noon the day before the planned closure. 

Once confirmed, the decision to close will not change, regardless of improvements in the weather forecast. This is to avoid confusion and help your family plan alternative care arrangements for your child.

  • No staff will be on site on days when the school is closed by the risk of fire. 
  • Out-of-school care will be cancelled on these days. 
  • School camps will be cancelled if the area where the camp is taking place is at risk.  
  • There may also be changes to school bus routes. Depending on routes, this may also occur on days when the school is not closed. 

On these Code Red days families are encouraged to enact their Bushfire Survival Plan – on such days, children should never be left at home unattended or in the care of older children.  For those of us living in a bushfire-prone area, the safest option when a Code Red day is declared may be to leave the night before, or early in the morning of the Code Red day.


As part of preparing our school for the threat of fire we have updated our emergency management plan; reprioritised any maintenance works that may assist in preparing for the threat of fire and cleared our school grounds and gutters.

What can parents do?

  • Make sure your family’s Bushfire Survival Plan is up-to-date and includes alternative care arrangements for your children in the event that our school is closed. 
  • Ensure we have your current contact details, including your mobile phone numbers.  Keep in touch with us by reading our newsletters, by checking our website, and by talking to your child’s teacher or any other member of the teaching staff about our emergency plans. 
  • Most importantly at this time of year, if you’re planning a holiday or short stay in the bush or in a coastal area, you should check warnings in advance of travel and remain vigilant during your stay.
  • If your child is old enough, talk to them about bushfires and your family’s Bushfire Survival Plan. 
  • You can access more information about school closures on the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development website – see

For up-to-date information on this year’s fire season and Bushfire Survival Planning, visit the CFA website at or call the 24-hour Victorian Bushfires Information Line on 1800 240 667.


In term 1 and term 4 our school policy is that all staff and students need to wear hats when outside at recess and lunchtime.

With the extreme heat we have been subjected to we have been ensuring all of our students are drinking enough water and that they are in the shade on some days.


A reminder to everyone now that we are back at school that the speed limit in the school speed zone during specified times from 8.00 - 9.30 am and 2.30 - 4.00 pm is 40 km/h. Each year we consistently have marked and unmarked police patrolling the stretch of road outside the school.



Just a reminder that we only have teachers on duty in the morning from 8:30am. Please do not drop students off before that time as there isn’t any one to supervise them. Unfortunately breakfast club will not be operating for this term because of COVID rules. 


My favourite way to sign off on the newsletter is to say: remember when life gets tough, escape to the wonderful world of a book! I’m currently reading, Corporal Hitler’s Pistol by Thomas Keneally. Although I must say I really enjoyed ‘Khaki Town’ by Judy Nunn, which I read over the holidays. 


Oliver Thockloth
