Executive Team Report

Welcome to the 2022 school year. We have had a smooth start and I have been very impressed with the calm and positive way that everyone has settled back into our school routine. I would like to warmly welcome our new members to the Koonung community, including staff members, our Year 7 cohort and those students who have joined us in other year levels. I am confident that the other members of the community have helped you to settle in.
As has been our experience since 2020, life continues with the ever-present overlay of COVID-19 and we have adapted to operate accordingly. Staff and students are participating in weekly RA testing regimes, wearing masks and continuing to focus on our core business of teaching and learning. Thank you to those families who are notifying us when there are positive cases in their household. Generally, those affected are able to continue their work by logging into COMPASS lesson plans and communicating with their teachers as required. As has always been the advice, please monitor everyone closely for symptoms and anyone who feels unwell is required to stay home and get tested.
This first newsletter is also an opportunity to congratulate the 2021 Year 12 cohort on their excellent VCE results and to celebrate their achievements. Special mention to Rui Ann Lim, the Dux of the College, who earned an ATAR score of 99.70 and Kiran Reddy who achieved a perfect 50 for Further Maths. Congratulations also to Tahlia Vosnakis and Jasmine Nicol whose artwork achieved Top Designs status (read more about this on the Visual Arts page). Overall, the school median was 32, which is outstanding and well above state average.
Ten percent of students achieved and ATAR above 95 and twenty-two percent of students achieved an ATAR above 90 which is excellent. Most importantly, however, our graduating class of 2022 have started their journey for the next step of their lives whether this is to continue tertiary study or move into the career training of their choice. These outcomes were achieved by hard work and collaboration with a cohort of students working together with their teachers and supported by their families to succeed.
The start of a new year is a time to reset with optimism and excitement to meet the challenges which lay ahead. Each of us has the opportunity to be active learners, try new things, ask questions and do our best. Let’s work together with respect for others and pride in ourselves to continue to be a nurturing and caring environment for all. Have a wonderful term.
Staffing Update - New staff and returning staff
Sophie Brugliera (PE/Science) Mathew Delaney (Director of Middle School, Japanese/French)
Amelia Daw (Student Support)
Sharon Duong (Maths/Science)
Matthew Gray (Mathematics)
Penelope Latham (Music)
Yvette Larubina (Counsellor)
Luke Marinelli (Science)
Jennifer Molloy (English/Humanities)
Curtis Reardon (Instrumental Music- Guitar)
Miriam Saward (French)
Alicia Liu Siming (Chinese)
Annie Taylor (Student Support)
Jason Vellios (English)
Gavin Yates (Literacy Tutor)
Assistant Principal, Sandra Greenhill, is on leave for Term 1 and Conor Sheehan has joined myself, Mary Eade and Stace Kerr in the Executive Team.
Marianne Lee
Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI)
At Koonung, a number of intervention programs operate in order to cater specifically for different student learning needs. In 2021, in response to the challenges of long stints of remote learning, students were identified based on data and sub school recommendation, to have a dedicated Tutor working with small groups, within many English and Maths classes. The Education State’s Tutor Learning Initiative (LTI), has been extended into 2022, and the Term 1 intake has been finalised in the areas of numeracy and literacy support. I will be sending letters home this week to the parents of the Term 1 TLI students, who will have support in a number of classes across the timetable. For Term 1, our specialist tutors are:
- Gavin Yates (literacy)
- Lydia Tomic (numeracy)
- Sen Li (EAL support)
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the program.
Learning Specialists (LS)
We are delighted, at Koonung, to be a College which prioritises a culture of working collaboratively to continuously improve teaching and learning and provide best classroom practice. We firmly believe that all students can make meaningful learning growth. Our Koonung LS Team is a key component of the School Improvement Team, and supports the pedagogy of our teachers by:
- modelling excellence in teaching and learning
- providing opportunities for our colleagues to observe high-quality teaching and to reflect on these observations
- providing professional learning for staff in a range of pedagogical areas
- assisting teachers to develop practices and strategies which cater for every student’s individual learning needs
- leading purposeful, data-informed collaborative inquiry focused on improving student learning outcomes
- modelling High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITs) and supporting other teachers to embed these strategies into their own practice.
In 2022, our Koonung LS Team comprises:
Nancy Fiore- Professional Practice and Mentoring
Amy McLellan- High Ability Practice Leader
Mark Anderson- Innovation and Engaging Practice
Tara MacDonald- Inclusive Education
William Emerson- Positive Climate for Learning
Mary Eade
Assistant Principal (Teaching and Learning)
Capital works program update
As with almost everything else, COVID-19 related resource shortages has resulted in some delays with construction, however, the new building is nearing completion and we are hoping to begin classes in the top section from term two. The tender to complete the bottom section of the new building is scheduled for release late February. Attached are two photos of the view from upstairs.
Stace Kerr
Business Manager