From the Principal 

We are beginning to emerge into a new space post the high risks of COVID-19.  This is not a ‘return to normal’ but more a creation of a new normal. For the staff and students at MAG, we are enjoying being able to be at school together and connect with each other. Humans are social beings, and we learn better together.  Being present at school is also about learning from the informal curriculum, the social skills and this is equally important for all of us.


However, it is not a return to what was, as we have learned some very valuable skills when we have not been able to be together at school.  For example, we now have two Year 12 classes being taught remotely. This has enabled the school to continue to access the excellent teaching skills of Mrs Joanna Hughes even though she and her family have relocated.  As well as this, we have continued to offer parent-teacher-student interviews online. This has been an advantage for many families who no longer need to travel considerable distances and for busy families who have children involved in multiple activities.  We look forward to offering online interviews as an option for those families who prefer this.


Our students have also demonstrated their creative thinking skills.  We now have a school podcast run by our Year 12 leaders.  This is another way for our students to connect and communicate across the school community.  This forum is an opportunity for students to celebrate the great things happening in the school and to have a voice in making changes to improve the experience of students at MAG.


We are looking forward to the return of many aspects of school that we have missed such as camps, Chapels, and assemblies.  We are also looking forward to the full return of music, drama and sport in the school. These are all wonderful opportunities to learn together and celebrate our community.  Equally, we look forward to continuing to change and grow from the experiences we have learned from the last two years.


Carmel Spry
