Welcoming our new Year 7s
High school adventures begin
We were very excited to welcome our new Year 7 students who are as excited as their teachers to be back to onsite learning. It has been wonderful to see them happy and thriving.
Our Year 7s have settled in well already, finding their way around the school for their speciality classes and making their homerooms their own with posters and personal touches. The first two weeks will be dedicated to transition where students will participate in their first house competition by decorating their connect rooms and today they learn't about being a responsible digital citizen facitlitated by the team from Project Rockit.
The first couple of days students spent most of their time with their Connect Tutor, who this year also teaches them for a big chunk of their core subjects: either English and Humanities or Maths and Science. This helps students develop their foundational study skills, content knowledge, self-management and social confidence with a teacher who knows them really well.
The Year 7s looked great in their new uniforms and were well-prepared with their stationery and books, and new connections began to blossom as they gathered for their first assembly. Throughout the first two days they spent time with their wonderful Peer Support leaders, organised their lockers, de-coded their timetable and learnt about growth mindset, how the brain works in learning and how to use feedback they also had some first lessons in their subjects too! We look forward to seeing the Year 7s continue to grow in knowledge and confidence and to contribute great things as NHS citizens.