Message from the Principal

Karen Harris
Principal Team Professional Learning
It was lovely for the Principal Team to attend a recent Network meeting of principals in person - the first face to face meeting in two years. We attend three network meetings per term as well as a Hume-Moreland conference each year and these events provide valuable opportunities to share experience, ideas and strategies toward best practice within schools.
There is also a state-wide Principal Conference on Monday 30 May and Tuesday 31 May which I will be attending in person, with Assistant Principals accessing sessions online.
I will be hosting an aspirant principal as part of the Academy of Teaching and Learning course, Unlocking Potential, across May and June. acting as mentor to Soula Dedes who is a Learning Specialist at Copperfield College. Soula will spend twenty days at Brunswick Secondary College, shadowing and working on a project which we hope will be mutually beneficial to both schools as well as for Soula’s leadership development.
Year 7 2023
We have concluded our Term 1 and Term 2 tours and Grade 6 families have submitted their placement forms for 2023. We are hopeful we will again easily offer eight classes for the Year 7 2023 cohort.
Thank you to Ryan Wu and Sienna Seychell (School Captains) who ran several tours by themselves, in order to assist with the huge demand for tour placements this year. Having the option of families going on a tour led by students was well received. We will consider running more tours later in the year as we already fielding enquiries from the public as to more tour dates.
This year NAPLAN was conducted online in all Victorian schools and I am pleased to say it was successful across the state. For us, there were some minor hiccups with technology but all issues were easily resolved. The online platform allows the tests to be adaptive, providing graded questions depending on whether students have answered previous questions correctly.
Student Forums
A Student Forum is being held on Monday 30 May to gain insight into students’ experience at BSC, both in and out of class. Many of the questions that will be posed at the forum are based on previous years' Attitude to School Surveys data. Students are currently completing or have recently completed the 2022 Attitude to School Survey.
School Council
The new school council have now had two meetings together and are starting to formulate priorities for the year ahead.
One of the main jobs is to develop a master plan for school facilities, both building and grounds. Our first priority has been identified as the relocation of the Wellbeing Hub to the ground level of the A Block building, promoting greater visibility, ease of access and greater flexibility for working spaces. A feasibility plan will shortly be submitted to the Department of Education & Training.