From the Leader

of Boarding 

Dear Boarding Community,

Welcome to the first edition of Boarders Buzz. The return to Mount Erin Boarding for 2022 started well despite the ever-present concerns regarding Covid-19 and its variants. The introduction of RAT's, their distribution and implementation was always going to be problematic for Boarding families but generally for the most part was achieved satisfactorily.


Not to be overshadowed by the ongoing pandemic concerns, we were delighted to greet the new Year 7 Boarders and their parents on Sunday 30th January. It was a chance for students, parents, and Boarding Staff to meet and have some quality time settling in with the focus just on them. The parents were very pleased to have had Mrs. Val Thomas, Principal of Mater Dei, and Mr. Chris Browne, Principal of Kildare and Mount Erin Boarding present. Whilst the students were treated to some activities and a walk around, I was able to speak to the parents and answer questions. It is always important to remember the impact of a child boarding on families, even with weekly boarding. All students, parents, and staff enjoyed an excellent Boarding meal before farewells. The new Year 7 boys and girls attended a Boarding meeting before heading off to their respective dorms to settle in and prepare for the next day's school orientation, finishing off with supper before lights out.

First breakfast for the Year 7 Girls.
New Year 7 Girls
New Year 7 Boys
First breakfast for the Year 7 Girls.
New Year 7 Girls
New Year 7 Boys

The new Year 8 to 11 Boarders arrived at 2 pm on Monday for an orientation meeting, room allocation and unpacking, settling in.

New Year 8 -11 Boarding Student Welcome
New Year 8 -11 Boarders
New Year 8 -11 Boarding Student Welcome
New Year 8 -11 Boarders


From 4 pm the returning boarders began to arrive adding to the numbers and providing Mount Erin with its beating heart.  A great sound.


I would like to thank everyone - students, parents, Principals, Catering, and especially our Boarding Staff for this excellent start. 

Welcome to 2022!


Our Boarding Residence

Mount Erin boarders reside in one of four in different sections often referred to as "dorms" The four dorms consist of Year Level Focus Groups.  Each Focus Group group has a key Boarding Supervisor who manages overall student welfare, providing pastoral support in the afternoons, overnight, and mornings.

Focus GroupsFocus Group 
Girls Years 7- 9Lara Plum
Girls 10 - 12Robin Bussenschutt
Boys 7 - 9 Naomi Barton
Boys 10 -12Wayne Galvin

Each year level group has its own Boarding Supervisor who manages overall student welfare, providing pastoral support in the afternoons and overnight.

Boarding Staff involved in Professional Development and planning for 2022
Boarding Staff involved in Professional Development and planning for 2022

Mater Dei Induction of 2022 Student Leaders

I was fortunate to be a part of the induction of our Mater Dei Boarding House Captains on February 8. Congratulations on the day to Annabelle Cassidy and Will English.

Congratulations to our Mater Dei Vice Captains also who form an invaluable team along with the Kildare House Captains and Vice Captains. Emma Thomsen was also inducted as a House Captain. 


Will Englisg
Emma Thomsen
Leaders reading their Oath og Office
Will Englisg
Emma Thomsen
Leaders reading their Oath og Office

Boarders Meals

Boarders' meals are always a topic of conversation. How to please all of the students all of the time whilst ensuring nutritious healthy meals and fighting off the fast-food attractions can be  challenging. Our Catering Manager Mr. Dave Lugton works with our Boarding student leaders and the BRC for feedback and ideas that assists him in creating nutritious and healthy meals.


Proving to be popular this term with warm weather are the newly introduced cold meat salads either plated or make your own wraps. Mexican style meals are also popular, along with the Wedneday roast and Burger Thursday.


Boarders' Buzz Contributions

Boarders Buzz welcomes contributions from families about activities/ events their children are involved in - sport, culture, awards, and other happenings. Please send in any information and images that can be included in future editions.





John Bussenschutt I Leader of Boarding

































John Bussenschutt I Leader of Boarding