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Acting Principal’s Report

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to our existing and new families. We also welcome our new staff:-

  •  Hana Dennaoui: Acting assistant principal
  •  Lexie Griffin: Foundation teacher
  •  Lauretta Mallia: Learning tutor
  •  Michelle Carland: Learning tutor
  •  Kieran Ryan: Year 3/4 teacher
  •  Kerrie Ford: Year 5/6 teacher

As children walked through the school gates, we asked children to scribe on some whiteboards ‘What is your Hope?’ Staff were also asked the same question prior to the children starting school, on our Curriculum Day. These were their responses:


                                Staff Feedback:                                                            Student Feedback:         

What a wonderful first week back at school. The children are so settled and enjoying reconnecting with their teachers, support staff and peers. There is a real buzz of excitement in both classrooms and the yard. With the beginning of any school year, there is always a certain amount of nervous anticipation and excitement about the return and no more so than this year.


Hana and I have thoroughly enjoyed visiting the classrooms and catching up with students at the front gate and in the yard, hearing about holiday adventures, lost teeth, and new shoes. All classes have settled in very well, enjoying seeing their friends and teachers.


While we are still working our way through COVID, it was great that we were able to begin the school year on time. We will continue to follow the advice and guidelines outlined in the Government’s ‘Return to School Safety Plan’. On behalf of the staff, I would like to thank all families for their patience and understanding during this time and look forward to working with you in the year ahead. I’m grateful for your continued flexibility and adaptiveness. In the coming weeks, this will be more important than ever. I will share regular updates to ensure parents have the information they need to support their family.


Prep Orientation

I would like to formally welcome all our Foundation students to Moreland Primary School and congratulate everyone on a smooth and successful transition with a special mention to our new families. It is an absolute joy and privilege to be a part of a child’s primary school education. Everything is new, exciting, and wondrous. Every story is enthralling, everyone is a friend, and everything is fun! The children have demonstrated high levels of independence and resilience over their first few days and are set for a successful 2022. This is a wonderful testament to the fantastic partnerships between home and school. Our Year 6 students have been thrilled to spend so much time with their buddies.


Thanks to the Parents and Friends Club for the morning tea they organised for our Prep Orientation morning, and for the ‘tissues and tea.’ It was lovely to welcome our Foundation parents to our community.


School Council Election

 All government schools in Victoria have a School Council. They are legally constituted bodies that are given powers to set the key directions of a school within state-wide guidelines. In doing this, a School Council can directly influence the quality of education that the school provides for its students. Parents on School Councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills that can help shape the direction of the school. Each year, approximately half of the School Council retires to allow new members to become involved. Membership on the council is for a period of two years and regular meetings are held twice a term. If you would like to know more about being a councillor or nominate, don’t hesitate to give me a call or send an email at


Our council currently has vacancies for one DET employee to be elected for 2022 and one DET casual election. We also need some more parents to contribute towards this important process. We have three parent vacancies on School Council to be elected for a full period of two years. Nominations for School Council will close at 4pm on Friday 18th February. 


If we receive more nominations than positions available, an election process will follow in the coming weeks. We will confirm the final membership of the 2022 School Council in the newsletter, and on Compass, when the nomination/election process has been completed.


Refer to the School Council Election Process and timetable below.





     Acting Assistant Principal’s Report      

Hana Dennaoui: Acting Assistant Principal


Hello! My name is Hana Dennaoui and I am so excited to be joining the Moreland Primary school community as Acting Assistant Principal. I have been teaching for 16 years and have undertaken many leadership roles including Learning Specialist, Numeracy Leader, Professional Learning Communities Instructional Leader and worked alongside the Hume/Moreland region in their roll out of various initiatives.


I recognise that schools play a vital role in promoting the social and emotional development and wellbeing of all students. I am passionate about creating optimal learning environments where students are encouraged to be curious, take risks and challenge themselves. I am committed to making a positive difference in the lives of all students.


Outside of school, I enjoy trips to the beach, going on holidays and shopping with my four girls.


I look forward to meeting you all in 2022. 


                                                                       Parents and Carers 

Parents and Carers (PnC) are a group of parents that meet once a month to support school community events, coordinate fundraising events and help our school community to connect and socialise. 


Prep & Grade 1/2 BBQ – Thursday 24 February, 5-7pm

All families with children in Prep, Grade 1 or Grade 2 are invited to a welcome BBQ at school on Thursday 24 February, 5-7pm. Siblings are welcome to attend, and vegetarian/Halal options will be available.


Save the date!

  • Tuesday 8th March: PnC meeting and AGM, 7-8pm

Other PnC events for 2022 include:

  • Mothers Day and Fathers Day stalls
  • English conversation / coffee mornings
  • Eid Celebration
  • Whole school breakfasts (one per term)
  • Election Day BBQs
  • Comedy Night

Keep an eye out for details about all these events via the fortnightly newsletters, Compass, the noticeboard near the Buddy Bench at school, and the P&C Facebook page.


Join the PnC!

If you would like to be involved in the PnC, meet other parents and help engage our wonderful community through fun (and fundraising!) events, come along to our next meeting on Tuesday 8th March, 7-8pm, at school. Or send your questions to Becs Ostberg: / 0423689585.



Comics Club is returning to MPS! 

After a brief hiatus I am very excited to bring back Comics Club.

Monday Lunchtime in the Hall. 

Please bring your pencil cases, paper materials will be provided.


Can’t wait to see everyone!


Verity (Education Support)