Congratulations to our 2021 cohort for their ongoing resilience, courage, and confidence to complete their VCE, VET and VCAL studies. As a school community, we are so proud of all the times our students have tested themselves, shown intellectual courage, and strong leadership. 


Their results acknowledge the efforts of our community who have supported these young people in a challenging final two years of schooling. 


We pride ourselves on providing a holistic education for students, one that supports them in their journey to become well-rounded young people who are prepared for their future. Although a single score never fully defines success, we are pleased that our students have received results that will open doors to further learning and opportunities. 




Health & Human Development - Ailish Umback and Maya Scott

Further Mathematics - Caleb Afolabi

English - Catherine Brown

Physics - Jed Power

English/Physics - Venkatesh Ramasubramanian 



Venkatesh Ramasubramanian

Jed Power

Ethan Zrna 

Catherine Brown 



The award of Proxime Accessit (runner up to Dux) was presented to Jed Power. 



Congratulations to our 2021 Dux – Venkatesh Ramasubramanian. Venkatesh spoke to the gathering of current Year 11 and 12 students, teachers, and parents. He spoke glowingly of the support he received from family, friends and staff.


We are very fortunate to have such dedicated caring teachers at St Joseph’s College and would like to acknowledge the hard work of all our teachers who have all played a part on these successes.


Venkatesh Ramasubramanian


Hello everyone, 


First of all, I would like to thank my school, teachers, staff, students; and most importantly my family, for giving me this wonderful opportunity to speak in front of you. I joined St Joseph’s College in Year 8, 2017. Ever since, it gave me the best schooling experience. During Year 10, I went to New South Wales for a couple of terms, into a fully selective school. I wanted to experience the different atmosphere; I made friends and learnt a lot; but, still I missed St Joe’s, particularly Mrs Oberoi’s science classes and the great environment here. 


Ever since I became Dux, people have asked me, “Where did you go for tutoring?” The truth is, I didn’t need to seek tutoring for my subjects. The teachers at this school already provide the highest quality help for students. My teachers have been extremely helpful throughout the year; whether it be Mrs Oberoi’s morning revision help, Mr Paolucci’s extra revision sheets or Mr McGlashan’s thorough explanations. They have gone above and beyond, to make us all better students. 


Something that has been extremely vital for me is realising how to deal with challenges and who to ask for help. My mum and dad have been the biggest help for me throughout my learning, as they’ve been patient with me. They gave me their full support to achieve this far. Also, special thanks to my brother, Viju, who gave up his playtime with me. I suggest you all; if you come across anything stressful or just need assistance, don’t be afraid to ask help from your parents, guardians, teachers or well-wishers. They know you best and can provide their guidance or just talking to them can make you feel relaxed.


Finally, I wish to encourage all of you students that you should keep putting in your greatest efforts into your goals, with some time off in between. It may sound clichéd, but it has been the biggest moral I’ve learnt from my journey so far. It has allowed me to get into the course I wanted, the rank of Dux that I aimed for and the satisfaction that I tried for the best. I wasn’t given any special considerations, like the rural bonus, yet I have still worked smart to reach my goals. Don’t let any stumbles discourage you, as it’s better to use all the opportunities available. For most of us, school paves the way to our futures. Find your passions and work towards them. 


I wish you all the best. Thank you everyone, and enjoy your day.


In 2019, the college introduced the Year 12 Spirit Award. The award is given to a student in Year 12 who…

  • Has faced challenges and worked consistently all year.
  • Has contributed to the college community through various roles, e.g. music, Seeds of Justice, leadership and volunteering. 
  • Has worked through hardships during the year but has persisted with their schooling.

We are very pleased to announce Charlotte Hall as the winner of the 2021 St Joseph’s College Year 12 Spirit Award. 


Charlotte is nominated for the outstanding resilience she displayed in her final year. Charlotte was known to always display kindness and respect to all and was a great role model for other students.


Each year the college awards one Year 12 VCAL student the VCAL Award for Excellence Scholarship. To be eligible for this scholarship, each interested student must submit an application to the scholarship committee. The application addresses criteria based on VCAL achievement, personal conduct, college community participation and a confidential reference by a college VCAL teacher. The winner of the 2021 VCAL Award for Excellence Scholarship was awarded to Matthew Madio


Matthew demonstrated comprehensive excellence in both his area of study as well as his involvement in the college community. 


In 2017, the college introduced a scholarship program to encourage and support the continued education of a deserving group of dedicated, hard-working students, who have demonstrated a proven ability to strive for and achieve excellence in their education to date. Again, in 2022 we are pleased to recognise and reward students who were successful in the application process. 


It brings a sense of great pride knowing the high quality of students we have here at St Joseph’s College and we are very pleased to be able to acknowledge so many worthy recipients. The successful applicants embody all that we ask of our students:

  • They work hard
  • They strive for excellence
  • They are committed to their studies at St Joseph’s College. 

The Year 11 Founding Sisters of Mercy Scholarships will assist the recipients as they move into their senior years of study at St Joseph’s College. The scholarships consist of a two-part payment totalling $1500 during Year 11 at St Joseph’s College. When determining the recipients of these scholarships the selection panel considered the following Criteria: 

  • Academic Excellence         
    • Top 20 % of the Year 10 cohort as measured by report grades.
  • Leadership 
    • Any leadership positions the students have held or applied for in the college.
  • Volunteering
    • Any volunteering/charity work that the students have participated in either within the college or outside of the college.
  • Attendance
    • That the student has a good attendance record. 
  • Conduct                    
    • The Selection Panel reviewed the applicant’s behaviour and uniform tracking. 
  • Involvement in the college community
    • The applicant can provide multiple examples of contributions they have made to the college community.

Applicants were also required to write and submit a personal statement outlining why they believe they should be the recipient of the scholarship, with reference to the selection criteria. 


The 2022 Year 11 Founding Sisters of Mercy Scholarship recipients are:

Alexandru Stoica - Ursula Frayne Scholarship

Indiana Spratt - Mary Vincent Whitty Scholarship

Ellie Dimasi - Elizabeth Harley Scholarship

Ella Briggs - Anna Maria Doyle Scholarship

Emily Cheek - Catherine McAuley Scholarship

Thomas Karackal - Juliana Hardman Scholarship

Abbey Burns - Elizabeth Moore Scholarship

Finn Beattie - Clare Augustine Moore Scholarship

Maia McKenzie - Frances Ward Scholarship 


The college also offers Enrichment Mercy Academic Internal Scholarships. These scholarships were offered on the basis of academic merit to students continuing Years 11 and 12 at the college in 2022 and 2023. The scholarships have a tenure of two years and are for the remission of 50% of the school fee. These scholarships are offered to a limited number of Year 10 students based on internal academic grades from 2021. 


We congratulate the following recipients for 2022:

Andrew Baker

Lily Bruhn

Mitchell Cameron

Eva Caminiti

Shelby Couch

Caitlin D'Amico

Anthony De Maria

Olivia Elliott

Xavier Floramo

Kaitlin Hards

Matisse Hill

William Holland

Mila Klarich

Lily Lawrence

Maddalena Petrolo

Chelsea Pollifrone

Hayley Ryan

Yasmin Thompson

Laila Zappia