Welcome to the first Community newsletter for 2022, and what a fantastic year it’s shaping up to be. 


You can feel the excitement in the air. On all our campuses, students and staff alike are grateful to return to the classroom for new beginnings. As you would expect, everyone hopes that we will be able to continue learning face to face with no interruptions this year. 


The core value that will guide our thoughts, intentions, and actions this year is Spirituality. So, it was very fitting that Seminar Days for Years 9, 11, and 12 took place during the first full week of the year. (The Year 10 students’ day was rescheduled to 21 February.) These important events allow our young people to consider matters of faith and develop their own unique relationships with God.


We also welcomed a group of eager Year 7 students, who took to their induction like fish to water, and our Year 8 cohort learned the value of selflessness at their annual Wellbeing Day.


Naturally, as we all adapt to the latest public health guidelines and advice, we will encounter the odd obstacle, and we will continue to handle them with patient optimism. In the meantime, I wish the students success as they explore newfound knowledge, discover fresh experiences, and achieve great things.


God Bless

Mrs Marg Blythman


At St Joseph’s College…

We believe that no child or individual should be subjected to discrimination because of their gender, identity, or pronoun and that every person should feel safe at school and have freedom from discrimination. As an inclusive faith community, we acknowledge that we are all made in the image and likeness of God and created with love. All genders and sexualities are therefore respected, accepted and welcome in the St Joseph’s College community.


Learn more about how the college respects and supports gender diversity by reading our Gender Identity Policy.  Gender Identity Policy  


At St Joseph’s College we hold the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people as a central and fundamental responsibility of our college. Our commitment is drawn from and inherent in the teaching and mission of Jesus Christ, with love, justice and the sanctity of each human person at the heart of the gospel (CECV Commitment Statement to Child Safety).



The Enhancing Catholic School Identity (ECSI) survey that we have been spoken of in past newsletters is now open and ready to accept your responses. Families would have received an email today from the college with information on how to access the survey, including login details and an information sheet. The college is very appreciative of the time that you are committing to complete the survey. Your responses, along with the responses of Students and Staff, play a vital role in our self-understanding as a Catholic Education provider. For more information please click here.