Performing Arts

Sonya Cunado

Performing Arts

The Performing Arts Program at Greenvale Primary School provides students with opportunities to develop skills and confidence in Music, Dance, Drama and Media. 

This year, students will have Performing Arts class in the following semesters:


Semester 1: Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 

Semester 2: Foundation, Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 


Term 1 Focus Areas

Foundation: Music will be the focus for term 1. Students will be introduced to Performing Arts. They will learn to sing a variety of songs, participate in movement to music activities and explore sound and rhythm and beat with percussion instruments. 


Year 1 and 2: Music will be the focus area for term 1. Students will revisit rhythm and beat and be introduced to formal musical notation. Percussion instruments will give students an opportunity to explore a variety of sounds. Students will be encouraged to sing, learn about chorus and verse and given opportunities to perform in pairs, small groups and as a whole class.


Year 3 and 4: Music and Dance will be the focus for term 1. In Music, students will reinforce their understanding of rhythm, beat and musical notation. Drums will be used to develop and demonstrate their skills and understanding. Students will also be introduced to the Ukulele. Year 3 students will learn how to use body percussion and beatbox techniques to create collaborative music. Year 4 students will use their creativity to mix, explore and present music using computer generated sounds, effects and beats. All students will be given the opportunity to present their work to their peers.


In Dance, students will continue to develop their understanding of safe dance practice, learn a variety of dance sequences and given the opportunity to choreograph their own dance works which they will present to the class. 


Looking forward to a fun filled, creative and energising term!

Mrs Sonya Cunado