Principal's Message 

From the Principal


Dear Parents and Carers,


Yesterday the whole school attended Ash Wednesday mass, marking the beginning of a new season in the church, Lent. Lent is a time of reflection and renewal. It is a time for Christians to consider how they live the word of God and to renew this living. The Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving are ways in which Christians embody the values of justice, compassion and generosity and the giving up of oneself. It is a time when we should be asking ourselves, ‘Do these practices have significance in our life during Lent? How can I live generously and justly during Lent?

God and compassion are one and the same. Compassion is the joy of sharing. It's doing small things for the love of each other – just a smile, helping a neighbour in need or showing some simple kindness. These are the small things that make up compassion. Compassion means trying to share and understand the suffering of people.

Within our own school community and within the wider community of East Oakleigh there are people who experience suffering. Let us show them simple acts of kindness, compassion and keep them in our prayers.

Over the coming weeks teachers will be discussing with children the significance of Lent. They will hold conversations and share ideas about how they can be signs of hope and compassion during Lent.

Shrove Tuesday

Many thanks to the parents who helped with preparing and cooking pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. We had many parents assisting which was a terrific show of support. The children thoroughly enjoyed the pancakes. They were delicious!

ECSI - Enhancing Catholic School Identity

Every four years all schools work through a review of school practices, policies, curriculum delivery and interactions with the school community. Next week all parents will be invited to respond to the ECSI Survey. The responses from this survey will will assist us in better understanding how our Catholic identity is expressed in work and practice here at Christ Our Holy Redeemer School. This data will then be used to assist in the review process in 2024.

Open Days

This year we will have two Open Days per term to showcase our school to prospective parents. In Term 1 these will take place on;

Tuesday 28th February 9:00am – 4:00pm, and

Friday 10th March 9:00am – 4:00pm

I would encourage you to extend this invitation to any friends or neighbours who may be looking for an amazing school for their child in 2024.

If these dates do not accommodate prospective families we are more than willing to make a mutually convenient time to take them for a tour of our school.


Swimming Achievements

Congratulations to our students who participated in the the District Swimming Trials at Oakleigh, early last Tuesday morning. These students are to be commended on their commitment and efforts in the pool. Five of our students did extremely well and will proceed through to the next level of competition on Wednesday 8th March. 

Past Student's Achievements

Congratulations to Claudia Heil (past student of COHR) who is the 2023 School Captain at Sacred Heart Girls College.


Our thoughts and prayers are with with the Pasiopoulos family at the passing of Ana's grandmother (Con's mother) and to the Sansone family on the passing of Estelle's grandmother (Anthony's mother).

Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

The Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program got off to amazing start last week with two of our Year 5/6 classes harvesting, preparing, cooking and eating pasta, pasta sauce and fresh corn from our garden. The children were well engaged in the activity and it was lovely to see the children sitting down to share the food they had just prepared. Special thanks to the parents and grandparents who assisted on the day.

This program will continue to be successful if we can be assured of parent helpers and support and so we would encourage you to extend the invitation to extended family members who hold a current working with children check.

Please refer to 5/6I's Learning and Teaching page in this newsletter with more about our kitchen garden program.


Have you set up your child’s online profile page for our Colour Explosion Run on Friday 31st March? Check out the Colour Explosion page in this newsletter for more information.


Take care and keep safe everyone


Brendan Welsford