Sports Information


This Wednesday 8th February our annual swimming carnival will be held at the Boggabri Memorial Pool. All children are to arrive at school as normal for rolls to be marked. Our swimming carnival will commence at 9:30 and all parents and friends are invited to attend this day. 


Many thanks to parents for promptly returning swimming ability forms and offering to help on the day. If you haven't yet given permission on Compass for your child/ren to attend, COMPASS expires tonight 11:59pm. Please also remember to send in $2 cash for pool entry if your child doesn’t have a season ticket.


Children are invited to wear blue or yellow clothes to represent their house colours.  (no singlets or sleeveless tops to be worn). 


All children are to please bring a packed lunch, recess, hat and plenty of water. An opportunity for children to purchase an iceblock/icecream with their own money will take place after lunch. 


Our K-2 children that aren’t 8 years old this year will be joining us for lunch at the pool and will have the opportunity for some water games in the toddler pool with Mrs Baird and Miss Morrissey.


Students that make allocated diocesan times to compete at the next level  will be invited to Gunnedah on Friday 24th February with Mrs Goddard for the Diocesan Swimming Carnival. A note will be sent out to children that have qualified at assembly on Friday.



We wish  Molly Murphy all the very best as she travels to Lismore to represent the Armidale Diocese at the 2023 POLDING Tennis Trials this Friday. Safe trip Molly and good luck!



Mrs Goddard

Sports Co-ordinator