
We are super excited to be back in 2023 and doing our best to make BRPS more sustainable and environmentally friendly! 


To start of the year with a bang - in Term 1 we will be celebrating the following days with activities at school: 

  • Clean Up Australia Day – March 10th (Rescheduled from March 3rd)
  • Earth Hour and National Ride Your Bike2School Day – March 24th (School Day)

Nude Food Days are also coming back this term on the first Tuesday of every month. 

Nude Food Tuesday dates for Term 1 are March 7th and April 4th. Students are trying to come to school with no wrappers! Try baking food, packing fruit, using containers and beeswax wraps to keep your child's food fresh. 


Ms Hewitt looking forward to Gardening with Year 4 and growing lots of fresh produce for the community. It is also a great opportunity for students to learn how to grow different plants and the benefits of a garden. 


Gardening Club is beginning this week on Friday. Gardening Club will be every lunch time on a Friday with Ms Hewitt and Miss Hutchinson. Students are encouraged to come along and meet at our veggie patch. 


Next week at assembly the Year 6 students will be taking part in the Student Leader Celebration at our Monday assembly. We look forward to introducing you to our Sustainability Leaders in our next newsletter, so keep your eyes peeled!