Foundation Students

Celebrating our fabulous Foundies!

Literacy – Letter Craft!

Here are some of the wonderful letter crafts we have been doing in Foundation. Not only is this great for consolidating letter knowledge, but students also work on fine motor skills, as well as following multiple instructions and steps. We always relate the craft of the week to a picture storybook, which helps students tune in to the lesson and is simply a great excuse to read a lovely storybook!


Numeracy - Noah A and Jude F!

Noah and Jude were paired up for our maths game this week. Students LOVED ‘Tumbling Towers’! Students have to roll and collect the number of unifix they rolled, stack them and write the number. Taking turns, students roll, stack and write the number as they go until their tower becomes too wobbly and falls. The squealing and excitement was heard at the office!


Wellbeing – Emoji Plates!

Our Wellbeing unit this term is centered around emotions; naming, understanding and exploring ways to work with our emotions. Here are the emoji plates that we made in pairs. The teamwork was excellent and it was another great partner activity to get to know our classmates. We discussed how every emotion is ok to feel - it’s the action we choose to pair with our emotion that we have control of and where we can make good choices to help ourselves in the best way.