Performing Arts

This week in Performing Arts:

Foundation students have continued singing and playing along with percussion instruments like egg shakers to different songs, focusing on beat and tempo. They have loved sneaking, walking and running while playing their instruments as the tempo gets faster and slows down.


Lucy C and Foundation B stars ready to perform with their egg shakers.

Grade Ones and Twos have continued to focus on the musical elements of dynamics and tempo, playing numerous games where we increase the volume or the speed of music using body percussion. They have also been focusing on beat and rhythm, playing call and response games where they need to keep a steady beat. They have been outstanding at doing this! The joy when they manage to complete a rhythm is fantastic to see!


Zach H (1B) drum rolling on the floor, beginning our class dynamics game. After he started, the whole class gradually joined in to increase the volume of the drum roll!  

Memphis (2C) giving the class a demonstration of completing a rhythm with a steady beat, clapping, stamping and speaking in time to the beat. Amazing work Mem!