The learning Intentions that drive the Torrens Homework Grid include:
*to know how to balance school work with family life
*to be able to demonstrate independence and responsibility for your learning.
*to be able to provide evidence of learning
Homework is an opportunity for students to work independently, have conversations with others, teach others, be part of the community, consolidate knowledge and understandings, transfer thinking and skills into other situations, demonstrate abilities in alternate ways and take on responsibilities ....... and the list goes on.
Students receive the Homework Grid at the beginning of the term. It can also be accessed from their Google Classroom.
The JAR tasks in the blue highlighted boxes on the Homework Grid must be completed each night. Students select something special they would like to do each fortnight from the white boxes. These special tasks can be a Research Project, a Cultural Task or a Book Review. Each fortnight the students need to bring in evidence of tasks worked on in order to share with other students and class teacher where they receive peer and teacher feedback. They also work through a reflection process in order to set goals for the next fortnight.
The Homework Grid has a new component this term which allows students to set and pursue goals around targeted learning of identified personal need. This will be identified and documented during reflection time to be worked on over each fortnight between Homework sharing and feedback sessions.
Students continue to have choice about how they record their evidence of task completion and reflection. There are many ways evidence of task completion and reflection can be recorded.
Students will record the due date for each fortnight's Homework in their school diary. It is important for students to make sure they have their evidence with them at school ready to share with their peers.
Students have been provided an opportunity to provide feedback on the Homework Grid format. The following are collated comments received:
I have enjoyed the something special because you get a chance to do something you really want to do as HOMEWORK! (which is a double bonus).
How it focussed on our learning. Some fun activities but still some that focus on our learning.
That we got to do lots of arts and craft for homework and use Google Drive.
I liked that we had free choice to do any homework.
I enjoyed my maths work.
I have enjoyed all of the fun things that we have on our homework grid.
Working on docs.
I enjoyed the Google Drive one because I learned more about it.
What I liked about home work is doing my JARS every fortnight.
I liked the choices you could pick and I would like the same thing next term so I want NO changes whatsoever.
Doing different things.
Its very good no changes need to be made.
I have enjoyed the maths because I need to improve my times tables.