
Term 1  

Being a Mathematician

Learning intentions:

To know that:

• Everyone can be a mathematician. 

• Mathematicians prove their thinking. 

• Mathematicians learn from their mistakes. 

• Mathematicians stick at it. 

• Mathematicians think deeply.

Revisiting Counting

Learning Intentions:

• I know why we count. 

• I can count to 20. 

• I can count every object only once. 

• I can subitise small collections. 

• I know the arrangement does not change the amount. 

• I can say the numbers in the correct order to 20. 

• I know the last number I say is how many. 

• I can say the numbers in backwards order from 10. 

• I can count from any starting point. 

• I can write the numerals 0 to 9 correctly. 

• I can identify the whole. 

• I can identify the parts. 

• I can partition the numbers to 10 into 2 groups. 

• I can find the whole from 2 parts. 

• I can find a missing part.

Counting and Quantity

Learning Intentions:

• I can use my number knowledge to play games. 

• I can say the number sequence forwards and backwards to 120. 

• I can count from any starting point. 

• I can partition and say the part-part-whole of numbers to 20. 

• I can count forwards by 2 to count a collection. 

• I can count forwards by 10 to count a collection. 

• I can count forwards by 5 to count a collection. 

• I can estimate how many are in a collection.

Measurement - Length

Learning Intentions:

• I can describe the measurable attributes of an object. 

• I can measure the length of an object with a uniform, repeated unit. 

• I can compare and order objects based on their length. 

• I can describe the strategies I used to order and compare the length of objects. 

• I can choose appropriate units to measure the length of an object. 

Measurement - Calendars and Dates

Learning Intentions:

• I  understand that calendars are a way to organise days. 

• I  use calendars to understand the number of days between events.

Term 2 Units


Learning Intentions:

 • I can sort objects by colour, size, shape and how many. 

• I can identify similarities and differences. 

• I can identify a pattern and its parts. 

• I can copy and continue a pattern. 

• I can fix a pattern with mistakes.  

• I can identify missing elements in a pattern. 

• I can describe a pattern. 

• I can count the elements in a pattern. 

• I can count patterns by skip counting. 

• I can predict what comes next in a pattern.

 • I  can use a table to record a pattern.

 • I can create and label a repeated pattern. 

• I can recognise the amount a pattern increases or decreases by. 

Number and Place Value

Learning intentions:

• I can order and compare large collections and numbers. 

• I can count a large collection efficiently using 1s, 10s and 100s. 

• I know that 10 ones are equal to 1 ten, 10 tens are equal to 1 hundred and 10 hundreds are equal to 1 thousand. 

• I can count forwards and backwards using 1s, 10s and 100s.

• I know the names, numerals, and digits of the teen numbers. 

• I know that teen numbers are ten and some more. 

• I can count collections using tens and ones. 

• I can partition 2-digit numbers into tens and ones. 

• I can explain patterns in a 120 chart. 

• I can use place value knowledge to play place value games.

• I  can make and represent quantities.

• I  can make a collection of 1000.

• I  can identify the value of the digits in a number.

• I can read and write 3-digit numbers in words and numerals. 

• I can rename numbers in different ways using place value parts. 

• I can recognise the role of the zero digit in place value. 

• I can estimate how many are in a collection. 

 • I can use my knowledge of place value to be a problem solver.

Addition and Subtraction

Learning Intentions:

• I can show what I know about addition and subtraction. 

• I can use the ‘add or subtract 0’ strategy. 

• I can use the ‘count on from the largest number’ strategy. 

• I can use the ‘count back by 1, 2 or 3’ strategy. 

• I can use the ‘make to 10’ strategy for addition and subtraction. 

 • I can use the ‘doubles’ strategy for larger numbers and subtraction. 

• I can use the ‘near doubles’ strategy. 

• I can add on to and subtract from a friendly number. 

 • I can partition using place value to ‘split’ and add and subtract 2-digit numbers.