Physical Education 


During PE lessons students will apply fundamental movement skills and explain how they move safely and effectively in space with and without equipment. Students will describe the benefits of physical activity and work collaboratively in teams applying rules for fair play.


Learning Intentions

Students will:

  • move safely in space
  • be aware of boundaries
  • respond to a whistle
  • develop  and understand teamwork
  • be able to take turns
  • reflect on their learning
  • transfer skills in games
  • communicate effectively with their peers
  • demonstrate sportsmanship
  • demonstrate and understand respect
  • be able to catch with 2 hands
  • be able to throw underarm and overarm
  • be able to run
  • be able to bounce a ball
  • be able to kick a moving ball
  • be able to dribble a ball with hands and feet
  • to be able to hop
  • to be able to dodge

Each class has one 50 minute PE lesson each week with Amy Byrnes or Sarah Kroemer

Wednesday (M1, M2, M4), Thursday (M3), Friday ( M5)


Amy Byrnes