
House Leader Introduction
On behalf of our Freeman staff, I would like to welcome back students and families for the 2023 school year. I would like to make a special acknowledgment to our new Freeman students who have joined us this year, we hope you have settled in well and are enjoying your time in the best House in the school. We have again recruited some new staff to the Freeman family and would like to welcome Ms. Narelle McNeil, Mr. Vincent Tang, Ms. Rachel Elliot, Mr. Stephen McDonald, and Ms. Shona Perrin. I would like to make a special mention to Ms. Amanda Michell who has taken over as the Freeman House Admin Assistant and has settled into the role seamlessly.
We have certainly hit the ground running with several school events recently including Swimming and House Performing Arts.
A particular mention to the House Performing Arts team who worked amazingly to present "Aladdin" and finished second overall. We are so proud of what our house was able to produce and it was due to the outstanding level of dedication and effort that our Performing Arts students showed throughout the event.
We came agonisingly close in the Swimming Carnival, finishing second to Hollows after a strong showing in the relays as the last event of the day.
Congratulations to all the students who attended the day and participated in events to earn points for Freeman.
In our two house assemblies this term, we were able to present our 2023 Year 12s with their Rugby jumpers and badges and acknowledge student achievements. Best wishes to our 37 Year 12s for a great year.
We are nearing the end of term and are gearing up for the Freeman House Fundraiser on Tuesday 4 April and the House Athletics on the final day of term. We hope that our students embrace the House spirit and get involved in these great whole-school events. We wish all our Freeman families a safe and restful holiday break.
Education Perfect Award Winners: Sophie, Kaustubh, Hans and Simranjit
House Swimming Champions: Marlo, Abbey, Olivia and Madison
House Captain – Laura G
My name is Laura, and I am the Freeman House Captain for 2023!
There have been so many events already this year and I cannot wait for the rest of the year’s events. We started by welcoming all the new Year 7s into our amazing community. With the Year 12s helping them to settle into their new school.
We had the swimming carnival on February 10, with an amazing participation where we came second out of the four Houses.
We also had great participation in our House Performing Arts, where we performed "Aladdin" and did an excellent job at it.
This year as House Captain I want to help to make Mentor Group more enjoyable for the Freeman students, so they want to participate in more activities.
Ending the term soon we have some more exciting events coming up with the Freeman House Fundraiser on April 4, and then the Athletics Carnival on April 6.
I am excited for the rest of the year and looking forward to making memories with everyone.
Year 7 Experiences
My experience at Blackburn High has been very good so far. I love the 20-minute mentor session we have every morning and the teachers are really cool here. The events have been my favourite so far with the Swimming Carnival on February 10. There are so many new people to make friends with and make such great memories here. I couldn’t be more grateful to be here. I love Blackburn HS!
– Dhanvi 7FA
My experience so far at Blackburn High School has been great. The environment in which I moved into the new schedule was so easy and in the first week, I was in the swing of things. I have enjoyed the differences it has to primary school and the variety of subjects the school has on offer. I look forward to spending my next few years here
- Quentin 7FA
Freeman Student Leadership
Early in the term we distributed the Student Leadership Application Form to our Freeman students and had many students apply. Congratulations to the following students who will form the Student Leadership Team for 2023:
Anushka – Freeman 7
Henry – Freeman 3
Felix - Freeman 3
Rose – Freeman 14
Charlie – Freeman 7
Cameron – Freeman 6
Riley – Freeman 15
Raahil – Freeman 11
Hunter – Freeman 5
Oscar – Freeman 15
Zac - Freeman 3
Nabh – Freeman 10
Arian – Freeman 4
Anna – Freeman 8
Mitchell – Freeman 2
Alanis – Freeman 9