Teaching and Learning

Term 1
Welcome Back
Hello Everyone,
It is nice to be back within the Concord community after returning from maternity leave at the conclusion of last year. It’s amazing to see the difference a year makes when you return to see students in new sections, participating in new programs and developing their confidence as they move up the school!
Whilst I was on family leave I was very fortunate to have Karlie Gooding take on the role of acting Assistant Principal for Teaching & Learning. During this time there was a continued focus on many school improvement initiatives across the school. As I return to the role for three days a week this year (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday), Karlie will continue to act in the position for the additional two days (Wednesday and Friday).
Curriculum Day
On the 27th of January we had our curriculum day, where staff joined together as a whole school to hear about the school direction for 2023. This year there will be a focus on three goals within our Annual Implementation Plan:
- Social Competencies
- Oral Language
- Essential Learning
Meet the Teacher Evening (SSG)
On Monday 13th February from 3:20pm – 6:30pm we have our Meeting the Teacher Evening. This is an opportunity for you to share further information about your child in a one-on-one context with the classroom teacher. If you haven’t already, please use Compass to book in a time. The meetings have the option to be via WebEx or face to face, if your request is WebEx please let your classroom teacher know.
You should have received a note from your classroom teacher which outlined the specialist teachers for your child. Using this information you can book an appointment with your specialist teachers by emailing them directly.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact your classroom teacher, myself or call the office.
I look forward to seeing more familiar faces around the school and welcoming the new ones.
Take care,
Karlie Gooding & Flora Nixon
Teaching and Learning