
Lucie Hill

Library Technician

I trust by now all the children have settled into their new routines, classrooms and classmates.


I love welcoming the grades back to the library for a great new year of books and reading. My highlight is always seeing the Preps start out. I know the enormous growth that will occur over the coming months and it is very exciting to see. 


I would like to share with you, a few library reminders which I have listed in point form. Please feel free to contact me anytime via Compass, or pop in to see me anytime I’m here. 


  • The library is open at 8.45am for borrowing, every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • At lunchtime the Library is open only on Tuesdays for the Years 3 to 6 students.
  • All students in Prep to Year 5 must have a library bag to borrow books. Students without a bag will be given one from the library and an email will be sent home to parents requesting a $2 payment for the bag. If you do not wish to buy the bag, please have your child return the bag during their next library lesson.

When the library timetable is finalised, I will send a copy to everyone via Compass, so you know what day your child needs to return their books, and have their library bag.


Virgil update

Virgil is now 10 months old and very tall. He continues to bring me so much joy and he is very comfortable being at school. Sadly, his In For Training (IFT) date is drawing nearer, I will be handing him back to Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs on Sunday 5th March.