Star Student of the Week


Junior Years


Mr Enright:

Willow Kelly for always trying her best with her work and 

being so confident when doing so!


Miss Turk:

Mubarak Koko for his wonderful start to Foundation. 

Well done, Mubarak!


Mrs Weber:

Ben Zurawski for being a warm and welcoming student to all his classmates. 

Well done Ben!


Mr Morrison:

Alex Tsirgianis for being a great role model for his classmates. 

Keep up the great work Alex!


Miss Finn:

Ishan Bhinder for demonstrating his excellent spelling skills and 

for having a go at challenging words.


Mr Maskell:

Kieren Egan for settling into the new year, showing great listening skills and 

organising his things. 


Mr Andronaco:

Maria Solyman for always offering a hand around the classroom while displaying a positive attitude and care for others. 


Miss Sidebottom:

Harleen Kaur for always having a go and giving it her best for every task. 

Awesome work Harleen!


Middle Years


Mr Secchi:

Cristiano for applying himself during maths lessons and 

for having a positive attitude towards his learning!


Mr O'Hara:

Axel Lawler for settling into the school well and having a positive attitude.


Mr Renato:

Lucy for being helpful around the room and always following the classroom routines.


Mrs Dainton:

Peyton for her Writing and Reading. It has been fantastic and her willingness to enjoy everything new in the classroom


Mr Howley:

Grace Stewart for displaying enthusiasm for learning at all times. 

Grace is always ready to help around the room.


Senior Years


Mr Lindon:

Zoe Payne-Croston for having a fantastic positive attitude towards her learning and making lots of social connections at her new school. 


Mr Beks:

Eddy Freeman For always being respectful towards classroom norms, peers and teachers. Eddy has led by example for the boys in all areas!


Mr Iorianni:

Isabella Tricarico for being a kind, caring classmate to all her peers and for also making learning her priority consistently, to make the most of her opportunities.


Mr Thompson:

Ivy Stevens for displaying fantastic leadership qualities in supporting her new prep buddy’s transition to primary school. 




Junior Years


Mr Enright:

William Lancaster for a fantastic start to St Brendans and 

being a superstar each morning.


Miss Turk:

James Buniel for doing a wonderful job with his literacy testing this week. 

Well done, James!


Mrs Weber:

Krisha Chandwani for settling into school so well and being ready to learn each day. Terrific work Krisha!


Mr Morrison:

Grace Simaika for settling into school and making new friends. 

Well done Grace!


Miss Finn:

Willow Ryan for independently and creatively writing her own stories. 

Keep it up!


Mr Maskell:

Zakiah Tauai for being a warm and friendly student, supporting his peers and 

always being ready to learn. 


Mr Andronaco:

Ethan Wright for always looking to achieve his best work, and always looking to improve. well done Ethan.


Miss Sidebottom:

Jack Pelly for always offering his help around the classroom without being asked. 

Keep up the great work!


Middle Years


Mr Secchi:

Ephraim Tolentino for being friendly in class and for being a role model for others.


Mr O'Hara:

Jalina Gunarathna for always completing his work to a high standard and

helping around the classroom.


Mr Renato:

Benjamin Kaufusi for being a kind friend and making a new student feel welcome to our classroom and school


Mrs Dainton:

Dane for his kindness and helpfulness to other students in the  classroom. 

He works well in all areas of the curriculum.


Mr Howley:

Mary for being a very kind and gentle student who gets her work completed at all times.


Senior Years


Mr Lindon:

Kobby Eshun for applying himself very well to the start of the school year and showing fantastic student initiative around the classroom.


Mr Beks:

Imogen Sargeant for achieving some outstanding results during testing this week and for always displaying consistent behavior and manners


Mr Iorianni:

Mason Nicholson for having a great start to the school year. 

You have set a great standard in your ability to follow rules/expectations and adapt to life in your new class. Great start!


Mr Thompson:

Isabella Slade for starting at her new school with a seamless transition, making many new friends and always having a positive attitude.