Catholic Identity

New School Theme for 2023


Our school theme this year ‘Live Life to the Full’, invites us as teachers in a Catholic school to be instruments of God’s love and bring this to life through God, in Wonder and Awe, Facing the Future, Together.


As teachers in a Catholic school, we are encouraged to promote the wellbeing within our students- this has been a big focus as some of our students learn to re-engage and socialise with their peers, since the beginning of the Pandemic.  It also encourages us to nurture their talents and skills and use them to the full.


We want our students to know they each have the potential to change the world for the better, making it a kinder, more inclusive and more welcoming place. This year, we want to celebrate our student’s gifts and talents and encourage them to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULL- reach their FULLEST POTENTIAL- ACHEIVE through words and actions; with God, others, our world and for the future.


In the words of Jesus in John’s Gospel: ‘I have come that they might have life and life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10)


In the coming additions of this year’s newsletter, we look forward to unpacking our theme within our school, with our students, teachers and families.



Our official new school theme image will be on display at our Opening Mass next Friday and each classroom will receive their Class Prayer Candle with this theme too.  Here is a sneak peek! 


Opening School Mass

We will celebrate the beginning of our new school year with a Mass on Friday, 24th  February at 10.15am in the St Brendan’s Parish Church. Father Joe will lead us in this special Mass.  Our students will lead the readings, prayers and singing at this celebration.

All families and friends are most welcome to join us for this celebration of the Eucharist.


Parents are welcome to join us for morning tea in the School Hall at the conclusion of Mass.


For catering purposes, please advise if you are attending morning tea after Mass by completing this google form by Tuesday, 21st February. 



SHROVE TUESDAY – 21st February 2023

Tuesday 21st February is Shrove Tuesday. 


Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Lent is a period of 40 days leading up to Easter, it was traditionally a time of fasting.  Shrove Tuesday was the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before embarking on the Lenten fast and pancakes are the perfect way of using up these ingredients.


As a school, we will be celebrating by providing pancakes and toppings for all students to share and enjoy in their learning spaces, Tuesday morning. 


~ PARENT HEPERS NEEDED to make PANCAKES next Tuesday ~

If you are available to assist in making pancakes next Tuesday morning, please call our school office and leave your details and we will look forward to seeing you next Tuesday. 


Students in the Catholic Identity Leadership Team will be assisting to deliver the pancakes to the classrooms. 



Ash Wednesday - 22nd February


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Church’s season of Lent – a forty day period where we are asked to reflect on our lives and make changes to become the best people we can possibly be. The marking of the ashes on our foreheads on this day is a public expression of our faith and humility. It is a time of Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. Lent prepares us for the season of Easter, the most important time in the Church’s calendar. By praying, fasting and giving alms, we are reminded of Jesus’ death and resurrection. 


Parents and friends are invited to come along and join the:

Foundation, Year 1 and 2 students for a Courtyard Paraliturgy and the administration of Ashes on Wednesday at 9am till 9.30am in the courtyard.


Years 3 to 6 will attend the 9.15am Mass at St. Brendan’s Church


Project Compassion

For over 55 years, the Catholic aid agency, Caritas, has assisted the world’s most vulnerable people. Caritas work with communities to help them achieve their development goals and build a better future for all community members. The saying, “Give a person a fish and they eat for a day - Teach a person to fish and they eat for a lifetime” sums up the philosophy of Caritas.  Each year, Catholic schools in the Sandhurst Diocese support the work of Caritas through Project Compassion. 


Over the coming week, the Project Compassion boxes and an information leaflet will be sent home with the eldest child in each family. We invite each household to take on the LENTEN journey with these boxes and contribute loose change to fill the boxes and return then back  to school by the end of Term One, just before the Easter holidays.  

We look forward to the students learning all about giving and helping those around the world less fortunate than ourselves.


Be a ‘Social Justice HERO’ and help us give to those in need.  By putting compassion into action, we can make a difference today and For All Future Generations.