Parents and Friends News

St Brendan’s Parents & Friends Committee



Dear families,


It’s lovely to see the kids settled in so well at school, it sounds like they have been enjoying the new playground too.


The P&F Meeting scheduled for earlier in the week was cancelled due to low RSVP's.


For the P&F to continue to organise events and fundraisers the support of the school community is needed.   We hope to reschedule this meeting for later in the term.

Please get in contact if you can assist with the P&F activities this year, there is no set time commitment or requirements to being involved.






Parents and Friends Calendar of events – Term 1



Upcoming events and fundraisers

Foundation Students Catch Up - Wednesday 1st March

These informal catch ups give Foundation students and families a chance to meet up and make connections.


Parents Social Night - Friday, 24th March

Details on purchase of tickets to come soon!


Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser

We are working with Bakers Delight City and Riverside Plaza to give families the opportunity to purchase hot cross buns and support the school. The school will earn $2.00 from every packet sold!

  • Orders open - Monday, 6th March 2023
  • Orders close - Wednesday, 22nd March 2023, 3.00pm
  • Orders sent home with students - Wednesday, 29th March 2023

Further details on types of hot cross buns available and how orders can be made to come soon.  Helpers will be required on Wednesday, 29th March to assist with packing orders.

Ongoing Fundraisers

Athletes Foot School Rewards Program


IGA Community Rewards

Please find the below attachments to view full details of the IGA Rewards Program






My Name Label

Please find below attachment to view full details of My Name Label.




Committee Updates & Information

Contact details for P&F:

President:  Vacant

Secretary:  Jacklyn Lamb




Next P&F Meeting

The P&F Meeting scheduled for earlier in the week was cancelled due to low RSVP’s. It is planned to reschedule this meeting later in the term. 


More involvement from families in our school community is needed to plan and assist with school events and fundraisers.


Meeting days and times can vary to suit families if needed, previously evening meetings have also been held.  Please get in contact to advise if there is a more suitable meeting time for you.


Feel free to contact us if you have any questions/ suggestions. 


Register to be a volunteer

If you have a few hours to spare during the year and would like to get involved in the school community please register your interest to be involved as a parent helper through the P&F.


You can register your interest via email

*Volunteer requirements*

Volunteers must hold a current Working With Children’s Check. These details must be supplied to the school office to also be held confidentially. WWCC’s are free for volunteers, you can apply through the Working With Children Check Victoria website.


Business interest

Do you own/run a business, or know of a business, that may be interested in being involved in supporting the school community through fundraisers, sponsorship, in-kind support or at events?

Please contact the P&F by email to register your interest. We are very interested in working with our school community and building connections with family businesses.