Principals Report

It has been a challenging term at Echuca College with several staff and student absences. Many staff have opted in and taken extras including all principal class staff. I would like to acknowledge the work of Kerri, our daily organisation co-ordinator, for looking at creative ways to staff the school.
The therapy dogs have settled in and been a great addition to the school and have already earnt their keep in many ways in relaxing staff and students. This year we have moved toward supporting FISO 2.0 by locating the wellbeing leaders and team together with the teaching and learning leaders and team. This has been a change and we are trying to give teachers more ownership of classes and students. This change has meant the elimination of calm cards as an exit strategy and a stronger focus on engagement within classes.
Recently I had the opportunity to attend a campfire conversation with the Koori community to look at what the community can do to engage with school. This was a positive and open conversation and the first of many to come.
Our Beacon leaders hosted an industry breakfast which was a great opportunity for them to demonstrate their leadership skills in action. Thanks to Lorelle Pearse our Careers Practitioner as she spends a great deal of time with the leaders to build their skills.
We are currently undertaking a school review involving all members of the school community. This is an opportunity to gain insight into the strengths of the school and areas for future development.