Year 12 Graduation

Year 12 Graduation

Last Friday evening the College formally farewelled Year 12 at the 2019 Graduation. The Hall was transformed into an elegant dining and dancing space for this special occasion and the night began with the presentation of the graduates. The Major Awards were then presented by the Invited Guests. Congratulations to the following recipients:


Leadership Awards:

Carroll House - Claudia Pertzel and Ben Male

Kennedy House - Kate Wighton and Kolby McMahon

Rosarie House - Molly McCrone and Sam Luff

Sherrin House - Rebecca Myers and Ben Pollack

Webber House - Sara Langfield and Henry Davis

College Captains - Gabe Shaw  and Harris Mitter

Reuben F Scarf Award - Lucia Flint

ADFA Long Tan Leadership and Teamwork Award - Kate Wighton




College All Rounder Award - Abbey Morton

Bishop of Wagga Wagga Award - Gabe Shaw

Nano Nagle and Edmund Rice Charism Award - Rogan Nicholson and Nicholas Weston


The Principal’s Address was given by Mr Lawrence, deputising for Mrs Thomas who was unable to attend due to illness. He thanked the staff members who were responsible for organising the Graduation and those who assisted on the night and the 2020 Student Leaders who met and seated guests, helped with the awards and served the meals during the evening. The words of the 2019 College Captains Gabrielle Shaw and Harris Mitter were acknowledged, along with Mrs Kylie Shaw, who spoke on behalf of the parents on the night.  


The following is an excerpt from the Address:


And now my final words are to you, former Year 12 students!   I have spoken to you quite a few times during this year. At the College Farewell I spoke in glowing terms of your contribution to Mater Dei and how much we would miss you when you leave.  They were sincere words and we were all sad at the prospect of you leaving (remember the tears!). But I have some final thoughts for you:


Although there is a great excitement in finishing and the prospect of what is to come, don’t forget that there are some things that never change.  The values that you have learned at home and at Mater Dei are all based on Gospel Values and will always guide you throughout your life.  Look deep inside yourselves to find what is really important in life and then take time to develop that!  And you can be sure that what you find will be deeper than all the superficial attractions that secular society often promotes!


We don’t know what the future will hold for each one of you – who will be the future Doctors, IT Giants, Mechanics, Barristers, Builders, Teachers, Artists, Politicians and so on. But all this fades into insignificance when you reflect on, not what you will be doing in your life, but on the person you will be - who you really are, deep down.  What you become in the future will never be as important as who you are.


And, “who you are”, is what Mater Dei and your parents have been helping you understand all these years.  What was the basis of this formation?  It is very simple and can be summed up in the two most important Commandments: Love God and love your neighbour as yourself! If you can say that you have done this, then “what you do” will make sense because of “who you are”.


The cycle of life never stops, and so, here you are tonight graduating from Mater Dei – and how exciting is that! Tonight is the last time you will be together as this group.  You are officially ex-students of Mater Dei Catholic College and Mater Dei is now your Alma Mater.


I hope you are proud of being graduates of Mater Dei. We will follow with pride your achievements throughout the years to come, no matter how small or big, and we will always be there whenever you need a listening ear.


Never forget us, as we will not forget you, and I hope you will always hold Mater Dei Catholic College dear to your hearts. Always be inspired by the goodness of Nano Nagle and Blessed Edmund Rice, whose vision brought schools in Wagga and our College into existence, and who worked tirelessly to make this world a better place.  I guess this is the challenge for all of us.  And may you never forget God’s love for you – it is something that will never leave you, no matter what!


On behalf of all here present and the Staff and Students of Mater Dei, I congratulate you on your Graduation tonight and formally farewell you. I wish each of you each a future that is filled with every happiness. Seek out the opportunities, celebrate the successes, learn from your mistakes and most of all, keep our College motto in your heart to live God’s message every day.


After Grace, which was led by Fr John, a delicious dinner was served and later students, staff and parents danced the night away to the excellent music provided by the band “One Shot Too Many.”