From the Principal

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Just a brief message from me to check in with you all. What an extraordinary week of events we have endured together as a village, community, and nation. Having now spoken to a range of parents, students, and staff, the impact of the extreme weather event has touched the lives of many. Stories of bravery and of considerable loss, but most importantly…. stories of kindness. It is in these times of uncertainty that we draw upon our Franciscan values, and we can thank God for the wonderful community that we all share together.
In contemplating the events currently unfolding internationally and nationally, I have found the excerpt below helpful. It is an extract adapted from the Franciscan scholar, Richard Rohr.
“When the unexpected happens during a communal crisis, we are not alone. We are with friends and neighbouring villagers, and we all experience the same break in reality. Bereft of words, all of us hold the same question: How could this be happening? . . .
I consider crisis contemplation to be an aspect of disorder that prepares communities for a leap toward the future. This is a leap toward our beginnings. We are not just organisms functioning on a biological level; our sphere of being also includes stardust and consciousness. We all have a spark of divinity within, a flicker of Holy Fire that can be diminished, but never extinguished.”
Whilst the year has not been what any of us had hoped or planned for, we must continue to maintain perspective. Perhaps we need to convert these ‘unprecedented times’ into precedented times of compassion and kindness. There is already much evidence to suggest this is the case.
Together in partnership we will ensure that Learning will continue for our students, events and milestones will be celebrated & friendships will endure. I continue to speak with our staff and students of the ‘we not me’. Ultimately, we are in this together as advocates and supporters. Please continue to reach out to each other and the College if you are in need.
We thank you all again for your patience and cooperation throughout these days of loss, uncertainty, inconvenience, confusion and anticipation. We look forward to welcoming our students back next week for some much welcomed ‘routine and rhythm’ into the remaining weeks of Term 1.
Peace and all good,
Samantha Jensen