Student Leader Update!

Hello, my name is Fahma, and I am so honoured to be one of your School Captains for 2022. My goals for this year as one of your leaders is to continue to build our school community and to listen to each and every one of your voices. I want to make sure that every student at Dandenong High School feels a sense of belonging and considers this their second home. Throughout this year, I hope to cherish every single moment of being back at school, as the last few years we missed that opportunity. I’m so happy and feel so privileged to be serving you all this year, and I can not thank you all enough for this amazing opportunity.
Hey! My name is Spencer, and I am one of your two School Captains for this year. My goal for this year is to be able to reconnect all students and teachers and help build our school community back to what it once was before lockdown happened. See you around in the courtyard my fellow peers!
I'm Suchara, the female Vice-Captain of 2022. My goals for this year are to continue being passionate about my love for learning and work hard with every task, challenge, and duty expected of me. I want to push myself this year to see what I am capable of as a student leader and contribute to a positive difference, ensuring that the school's spirit is uplifted and every individual feels safe in this community.
My name is Richard and this year I have the privilege of serving my peers as one of the SRC presidents. Being surrounded by people with unique leadership qualities, I most certainly believe that I’ve developed a sense of realisation for my passion for leadership. I strongly look forward to not only exposing myself to a plethora of new talents, but also being the voice for others. This year, I’d like to play a part in continuing the tradition of an inclusive and collaborative environment for all students across the school.
Hello, my name is Anna. I am pleased to take this opportunity as
SRC President to work and act on issues that concern our students.
My goal for this year is to have our student body be heard and have a great influence on the school's future. Let's make the most of it!