Parents and Friends 2022

Dear All,


The Parents & Friends Association had our first committee meeting Tuesday evening this week. It was really well attended plus we had some newbies there. We also managed to pick a great night for it. There was unanimous consent that having the meetings over a wine outside was the preferred option for future meetings :)

Attached are the minutes of the meeting. 

The minutes set out the various proposed events for this year amongst some other things to note. 

One thing to raise in this post is that with each proposed event, the structure we usually adopt is to have a small committee for each event, along with a list of helpers for each event. As you will see from the minutes we have begun to form the committees for each event - but there are still lots of committee spots to fill and of course, we will need to have lots of helpers. So if you haven't yet filled it out but are keen to be involved in an event, please fill it out - we would love to have you involved.


Finally - some people have made the very important point that they would love to volunteer but are unsure of how much work is involved. That's a fair question - I should have asked that question before agreeing to prepare minutes.  To give you all some comfort, when you fill out the survey and agree to volunteer, it will of course be subject to you knowing the role and you seeing if it works for you time-wise (and us trying to make it work for you).  Please don't think that just by filling out the survey you are 100% committing to something at this stage.



Take care

Michael Hazell

P&F Secretary


SAVE THE DATE - Thursday 31st March Event: Year 5+6 Parent social evening

Where: The Malvern Hotel (CNR Glenferrie & Malvern Roads, Toorak)

Time: 7pm  Cost: drinks and food at bar prices

RSVP: Monday 28th March to: Talia Hassett

Mobile: 0406 124 688

Thank you

Melanie, James & Talia (your Year 5+6 class Reps!)