Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,



With the increase of COVID cases in the community schools in the last two weeks, we have been working to keep up with the changing landscape.

I appreciate your understanding as we respond to cases and liaise with the Education Department COVID team.

We have been sending out template letters, as well as adding information to CONNECT as we are informed of cases. There has been a huge increase in the school community accessing CONNECT.

[You will have noticed that attendance for the previous day is now available to see. Whilst it only states authorised/unauthorised we do have a number of codes within those, which align with a range of reasons why there is an absence. Please assist staff by letting them know when an absence occurs.]

Thank you for your support.

All the best to our staff and students currently working from home and to those who have returned to school.

I heard on the news last night that we have not yet reached the peak regarding COVID 19 but we all look forward to the expected drop over time. Please continue to look out for possible symptoms and seek out testing as required.


NAPLAN 2022 brochures for parents in Years 3 and 5 will be coming home shortly. If you are considering an exemption or withdrawal from the testing please let your teacher know and we will organise for a form to be completed.



School assemblies are on hold though we would still like to acknowledge students who receive Honour certificates. Our councillors are continuing to undertake the ROS reward draws to acknowledge students receiving cards for showing Respect/Organisation and Safety in and out of the class. Faction points are also accumulating with the collection of these cards.



Our swimming carnival for students competing in years 4-6 is still planned for Wednesday the 23rd of March in the morning. The pool has notified us that our numbers are within the range as defined by the Health Department. Parent spacing and mask wearing will be required. Further information will come home closer to the event.



Harmony week will be acknowledged between the 14th and 18th of March.



Coming up between the 21st and 24th of March our Maths committee and staff will be involving students in a TT Rockstars tables competition promoting the automatic recall of tables.



It is hoped that this area will be started on the 21st of March and be finished by the end of April. It has been scaled back due to price increases. Plantings and some items of equipment have been removed from the final plan. We will look at other sources and Busy Bees to complete the project. 

Fencing will be erected around the area whilst the work is in progress. Students who helped with the design are very excited to see the project begin.



Glenn Rondoni
