Service Learning news


A major thank you to all our generous families!


As part of our Service Learning Program we have had many opportunities to donate and our community has been extremely generous and quick to jump in and assist with donations. We are very grateful for all of our wonderful families.


We are still looking for more baby toothbrushes and baby toothpaste and baby moisturisers or nappy creams as donations for St Kilda Mum’s Baby Packs programs. This will close at the end of next week. 

World’s Greatest Shave

Bridget Wilson (Year 12) shaved her head on 17 March in order to raise money the Leukaemia Foundation. They support much needed funds for research into treatment for blood cancers and support services for those living with blood cancers. Bridget has created colourful tins that will be available around the school until the end of term. We also encourage anyone to donate through her fundraising page here. Congratulations Bridget on so bravely supporting a wonderful cause!

Claire Cheeseman

Service Learning Coordinator