Leader of Curriculum

Year 11 and Year 9 Elective Courses 2021/22

During this term our current year 10 and year 8 students have been involved in the subject selection process for years 11 and 9 respectively in 2021. These selections are now being considered and the viability of courses on offer are being chosen for 2021. Course viability and staffing availability are important considerations at this time.


Students who have chosen courses that were not viable will be consulted over the next couple of weeks. Other students may have been given the additional preference they chose if one of their main round subjects was not available.

Students still have the option to change courses if there is still available room in that class, during the final round of subject selections. I am hoping to have this finalised by the end of term.


Year 11 students who chose a TVET course as one of their four preferences have been enrolled in EVET for their chosen course. These enrolments, paperwork and payment ($500 per course per year) will need to be finalised by the end of October. These students need to be in consultation with Mrs Dickie to ensure the college is up to date with their intentions leading into 2021.


I would like to thank all parents/guardians for their time during the interview day on Friday 21st August. I hope you found them helpful along with the Year 11 Subject Selection website.




Mr J Seers