Principal News

God our Father,

You govern and protect your people

And shepherd them with a father’s love.

You place a father in a family

As a sign of your love, care, and constant protection.


May fathers everywhere be faithful to the examples shown in the Scriptures:


steadfast in love, forgiving

transgressions, sustaining the family,

caring for those in need.

Give your wisdom to fathers

That they may encourage and

Guide their children

Keep them healthy

So they may support a family.

Guide every father

with the Spirit of your love

that they may grow in holiness

and draw their family ever close to you.


Dear Parents, Students and Friends


Year 12 HSC projects are presented in a variety of areas,  when they are thought about as a complete set, Music, Visual Arts, Drama, Design and Technology, Industrial Technology:  Multimedia  and Timber and Furniture Technologies, they include a large number of senior students.


Each one of these students have to "put it out there", to show what is happening for them on the inside and "make" something from nothing. If nothing else it takes enormous courage to dare to do this. Each one of them are laying themselves open to public criticism and judgement. Once it is done, they can't take it back. They can't say, "Can I have another go at this?" I am sure that you would agree that this takes a certain type of bravery to allow it to happen. 


I think that these HSC projects are ideal expressions of how Marian Catholic College is attempting to live out our Vision Statement. In fact, the actions of each of us within our community at Marian Catholic College should be genuine attempts to live our Vision and Mission statement.

If you think about what all our students are doing each day from Year 7 to 12 we might see that every moment is a growth moment. Learning about who they are becoming, what is really important and how they are to respond. They are asked to "risk" living well.


Here at Marian, we ask everyone to be "Courageous, like Our Mother Mary". Pope Francis says that we are called by Christ to, "Be the best version of ourselves". 

So be bold and brave and like our Year 12 students, be prepared to risk, be prepared to fail, be prepared to have others criticise you. Have belief in yourself that no matter what comes of risk, you are living life and living it to the full. It will be worth it. Find within yourself the courage to be the best version of yourself.


Academic and Cultural Anthropologist Margaret Mead said that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world, Shakespeare made it clear that if we desire change (in ourselves), there is no room for doubt:

Our doubts are traitors

And make us lose the good we oft might win

By fearing to attempt.

Finally, Happy Father's day to all our dads!


Peace and Best Wishes


Social Justice Sunday - August 30, 2020

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference: Office for Social Justice have finalised the Social Justice statement for 2020-2021. The Bishops invite us all to reject stigmatisation, to work for the transformation of social determinants of mental ill-health, and to call for policies and service provision that meets the needs of the poorest and most marginalised members of our community. Social Justice Sunday is soon upon us (August 30 2020) and we wanted to share the thoughtful resources they have compiled. You can utilise these in order to acknowledge the ongoing struggles associated with mental ill health but also the important role the community continues to play in initiating and making change. 

To read the Social Justice Statement, click here

For the Prayer Card, click here