Principal's Report

by David Lord

Principal's Message 

It is important that we work to engage students in their passions and interests while we are not onsite. This is something we greatly value across our Staughton Family. Our staff are working creatively to make this happen. 


A few weeks ago, we held a terrific Science week with lots of interesting activities online. It was great to see students send in pictures and videos of what they have been doing. 


This week is Health and Physical Education Week. There will be activities to try at home and competitions each day. 


Recently, we have started an Instagram account @staughtoncollege where you will be able to follow the events of the week. I encourage students from across our school community to get involved. 





We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.