Principal's Message

Lenten Prayer


your commandment of love is so simple 

and so challenging. 

Help me to let go of my pride, 

to be humble in my penance. 

I want only to live the way you ask me to love, 

to love the way you ask me to live. 

I ask this through your son, Jesus, 

who stands at my side 

today and always.


New Website and App Update

The new OLA website and app is scheduled to be rolled out to the community next week. The web address will remain the same, and instructions for connecting to the app will be included in next week's newsletter.

Harmony Week

This week, at OLA, we celebrated Harmony Week. Students completed a variety of classroom activities to demonstrate their own unique culture and to look at the multiculturalism within our own school community.


Here is a snapshot of some of the activities:

MSP School Photos

Please see below for the tentative timetable for school photos:

Monday 25 March

- 8.00: Family Photos

- 9.00: PPG

- 9.20: Kindy G

- 9.40: Kindy M

- 10.00: 2G

- 11.00: 6G

- 11.20: 5G

- 11.40: 5M

-12.00: 4G


Tuesday 26 March

- 8.00: Staff Photo

- 8.30: Year 6 Faction Captains

- 8.45: Year 6 Student Leaders

- 9.00: PPM

- 9.00: 1G

- 9.20: 1M

- 9.40: 2M

- 10.00: 3G

- 10.20: 4M

- 11.00: 3M

- 11.20: 6M

- 11.40: Family Photos


Some additional information about the day:

- Family photo envelopes are available from the School Office;

- All children will need to bring their personalised envelope with them to school on Monday or Tuesday to hand to the photographer during their class photo time;

- Summer academic uniform is to be worn on both days. Sports clothes can be brought in a separate bag for children to change into after their photos;

- Scheduled times are estimates only and may change on the day.

Assistant Principal Appointment

Congratulations to Miss Rebecca Smith who has been appointed as the third substantive Assistant Principal at OLA.


Rebecca has been a part of the OLA community for the last five years and we warmly welcome her to the Leadership Team.

Parent - Teacher Interviews

This term, Parent - Teacher Interviews will be held on the following days:

Week 9

Monday 1 April - KG, 1G and 5M

Tuesday 2 April - KM and PPM

Wednesday 3 April - 3M and 4M

Thursday 4 April - 2M


Week 10

Monday 8 April - 1M, 3G and 4G

Tuesday 9 April - PPG, 5G and 6G

Wednesday 10 April - 6M

Thursday 11 April - 2G


During these meetings, families will receive an interim report of their child's progress. The online booking system will open on Monday 25 March and will remain open until Friday 29 March. Details for accessing the online system will be emailed to you by your child's teacher in the Weekly Update.

Uniform Update

As per the email sent yesterday to all families, it has been decided to cease the selling of the old school uniform until further notice. The reason why this decision has been made is because we want to give families the option of purchasing the current stock at a reduce cost or the new uniforms at full price. Once the current uniform items have run out, parents will only be able to purchase the new school uniform items. 


As we prepare to transition from the current old school uniform, to the new uniform (parents will have 5-7 years to transition over), and as stated in the letter that went home yesterday, students will be permitted to wear their current summer/sports uniform until the new uniform is available to be purchased. For those students who do not have the uniform items to see them through the winter, they may wear items of clothing from home, such as their own personal tracksuit, plain windcheaters,  and t-shirts, etc. Please note the above excludes tops and windcheaters with slogans, sentences etc and jeans. 


I am certain you can appreciate we're trying to be supportive of families by not allowing them to pay full price for an item that will become obsolete very soon, even though children have a period of time to transition over.


I hope the above, and the attached note sent home to all families yesterday, gives clarity as to why we have ceased all sales, for now, and that students may wear their own clothing in the interim until uniforms are available. As soon as we determine the new reduced pricing structure for the old OLA school uniform, the uniform shop will reopen. 


Attached is the letter sent to all families.


Church Renovations

Renovation works have commenced on the Church tower, located close to the driveway entrance on Grand Promenade. To access the church during this time, community members will need to enter the bitumen from the Dianella Plaza side and enter the church via the bitumen doors. The main church entrance will be closed.

God bless.


Mr Greg Martin
