Teaching and Learning

Learning About Life

Language is a Gift

One language sets you in a corridor for life. Two languages open every door along the way. Frank Smith.


Language skills are a gift – a gift to your future career and connections with people from around the globe.  Being able to speak another language can give you great personal confidence, plus it increases your employability, in all industries, whether it is in business, agriculture, hospitality, health, law or science.


In a truly liberal education, all students would prepare for a future world of work and study by continuing their study of language throughout their secondary schooling. Language learning teaches our students resilience, perseverance and offers them the opportunity to enjoy overseas travel, exchange programs and an incredible career post tertiary study.

According to the Victorian Department of Education: Learning another language means more than just memorising lists of words. Languages all use different 'systems'. Children automatically compare the system of the new language they are learning with English. This gives them an insight to how English works, which accelerates their ability to read and write.


Learning another language strengthens children's memory for sequences and their ability to concentrate and build connections. Learning another language is associated with excellent, long-term academic results. Studies show that in the world's highest-performing school systems, all students in all year levels learn one or more languages


The VCAA recognizes those students who complete their VCE with a Unit 3 and 4 sequence in English, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Maths and a VCE Language and two other subjects by awarding them the VCE -Baccalaureate. It provides an additional form of recognition for those students who choose to undertake the demands of studying both a higher-level mathematics and a language in their VCE program of study. Tertiary institutions strongly support initiatives that encourage students to study a higher-level language in the final years of schooling.


It is our belief at The Hamilton and Alexandra College that the study of a language other than English is important and that is why  LOTE is a compulsory subject at Year 7 and 8 and is strongly encouraged in Year 9 and beyond. The Hamilton and Alexandra College helps our students prepare for a confident future by studying languages other than English – French and Chinese.



Attention: Free Parent Seminar on Exam Preparation – ideal for VCE Students

Event Title: Elevate Education – Exam Prep Date: Tuesday 15th September Time: 6pm AEST Duration: 1 hour Cost: Free  




On Thursday 17th September parents will be able to access Term 3 Student Reports via PAM on our Learning Management System SIMON. The focus of our reporting at The Hamilton and Alexandra College is to document student progress and provide timely and relevant learning advice for Years 7-11 and examination advice for our Year 12 students. We are proud of the way our students have continued their learning in the Remote Learning Program 2.0 and parents will note that teachers may have included a comment to reflect the way in which a student has been flexible and able to manage learning in both a synchronous and asynchronous environment. 


Mrs Susan Bradbeer

Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning