Secondary 9/10

In maths sessions the classes are concluding their study of fraction and decimals. Students are sharing their learning from the unit and showing how to represent fractions and decimals in different ways including on a number line and with images. Classes are also finishing up their investigation of volume and capacity by exploring the concept of litres and millilitres.
In writing the students extending the skills they developed earlier in the year in Narrative writing. They have revisited texts that they wrote earlier in the year and have identified with their teacher, areas that they would like to focus on improving. They have looked at how to build tension in their writing using the technique of showing rather than telling.
In reading we are revisiting text structure. Classes are exploring different types of text including fiction and non-fiction, news reports and online articles with a focus on the features that they have which help us identify the type of text we are reading.
The electricity group (SBF, SMV & SJG) all headed off to Scienceworks & enjoyed a session in the Lightning room and exploring the displays. The Change group have been exploring changing state with experiments in their classrooms and the Discovery Centre.
Social Competencies
Recently in Social Competency we’ve finished up our Personal Learning unit.Students have brainstormed good choices and bad choices for their learning and played a board game in which good choice cards helped them win while bad choice cards held them up! As a result of this, students came to the conclusion that while the board game was a matter of luck, it’s up to them to make good choices for themselves and take responsibility for their learning. Classes have also looked at similarities and differences between Concord School and other schools and have practiced setting goals for themselves. Well done 9/10!
Courtney King
Social Competencies
The students in the Drag Racer group were assisted by Colin Daisley to drill holes in their car bodies. They then added wheels to their car and were ready to race. The students had so much fun racing one another and measuring whose racer went the furthest