Class of the week 1/2 DB


We have had a wonderful start to the year and all students have settled in beautifully.


Our class routines are well and truly established and students are familiar with what to do to get themselves organised in the mornings and throughout the day.



The 1/2 level is exploring recounts this term. We have been investigating different pieces of writing and then identifying how a recount is structured and what type of language we use when writing a recount. We were very lucky to have some exciting experiences to write about this week as we participated in a whole school incursion last Friday. The incursion, Great Mates, taught us how to be good friends to our peers.

Below are some of the students’ responses from our class. 


Students are involved targeted spelling sessions where we look at the sounds in words and how to break up words according to their sounds. These lessons occur weekly and students work independently and in small groups to learn how to spell words, find the meaning of words and use them in sentences. 

We use the THRASS charts to help us find the appropriate spelling choices .


You might hear your child talk about graphs, digraphs, trigraphs and quadgraphs. Students are taught and encouraged to utilise this terminology and they very quickly learn to apply it in a meaningful way.


As part of our spelling program, we also focus on handwriting and the starting positions of letters in order to form letters correctly.


Well done to the below students on their efforts during our handwriting session.



It's very important that we foster a love for reading. As part of our daily routines, students are invited to read, either on their own or to a partner after recess and/or lunch. We find this allows the students time to resettle and focus after a busy playground break.


Take home books can be borrowed on any day, but teachers check the journal on a Tuesday and Thursday. We are very impressed with the students reading efforts. Keep up the excellent work.


We are focusing on mapping and location in maths over the next two weeks.

By using barrier games, students use directional language such as: next to, on top of, in front of, left and right and so on to give and follow directions. Prior to commencing a maths lesson we identify the learning intention of the lesson/s and discuss what is required to be successful in the set task.

As part of an ongoing investigation, 1/2 DB has been collecting data. Doing this on a regular basis allows students to consolidate their understanding of data and provides a platform for extensions for students. This data is then usedby students in the following ways:

*find the total of the daily tally

*create a graph

*write true statements 


We are very lucky to have an SRC representative, nominated by his peers, from our class. Jacob  has been chosen by the grade 2 students to stand as their SRC. Well done Jacob! We are all very proud of you.

Stay Tuned for the next EXCITING chapter of LEARNING in 1/2 DB