Year 5/6 news

The last fortnight summed up!

Over the last two weeks Emma has been teaching with Mr Hunter, Anne and Dayna. She is a wonderful student teacher who has made strong connections with the members of the grade. In Maths we have been learning about Order of Operations. Our extension groups also learnt about exponents and indices. We had a fantastic lesson with Michael Ymer where we got to collect and collate data, break it into fractions, decimals and percentages as well as making a bar and pie graph.


Our themed unit this term is Multiculturism, we have been learning about the reasons why people from other countries have chosen to come to live in Australia as well as the many countries that immigrants have come from. We have also been learning about discrimination.


For Literacy we have worked on prepositions, pronouns and synonyms as well as writing an exposition about Caged Hens. Mr Hunter has completed the MSL (Multi-Sensory Learning) course and has been implementing the program in spelling. We have learnt about open, closed and silent ‘e’ syllables.

Last but not least our Grade Five students completed three days of NAPLAN this week.