Saint Joseph's Northcote 

 Father's Day Mass:  Sunday August 28th 


On Sunday August 28th yesterday, we celebrated our fathers and those who assume the role of fathers with a Parish Mass. It was such a beautiful celebration and is a perfect opportunity to continue to build the bonds between the school community and the parishioners of Saint Joseph's Church. 


I would particularly like to take this opportunity to thank the children and families who, week in and week out, put up their hands to assist in the Mass by participating in the readings, the prayers of the faithful and the offertory processions. This is not only an act of service but it also builds confidence and relationships. This week was no exception and I would like to highlight Zahra, Audrey, Jody (Audrey's Mum), Joel and Sienna. Great Job everyone!


I would also like to thank, from the bottom of my heart, the Saint Joseph's choir. Ably led by Brad Pinto, you do such a sensational job and I for one love hearing you all perform. Thank you. Special mention must also be include to Mel Pinto who was our IT consultant this week and did a superb job under pressure ensuring that the TV displays were working and current. Thanks Mel.


Last but certainly not least,  I would like to thank the dedicated staff of Saint Joseph's School who continually give of their time and efforts to ensure that these celebrations go off without a hitch and that they are supported and valued. The Father's Day Mass was hosted by the Seniors. Thank you to Miss Lauren, Miss Bridget, Mr Zammit and Ms Kearney - fabulous job everyone.


To all of the fathers and those very special people who do the job of fathers, May God bless you.



Fathers Day Blessing

May God Bless you and reward you in your very special role as fathers.

May it always be for you a joy and a privilege.

May you cherish your children as unique and precious gifts from God.

May you always love and forgive them, as God loves and forgives you.

May you be quick to praise and slow to find fault.

May you be wise in all your decisions.

May God reward you abundantly for all your care and fatherly love.

May God bless all our fathers who have gone to their rest.

May they find comfort and joy in the arms of their Heavenly Father,

Through Christ our Lord.



**Please note that the scheduled Senior Class Mass: Tuesday September 6th will be moved to 4th Term - date to be advised**


TERM 4 3rd October - 20th December

4th October Saint Josephs: Middle Year Level Mass
25th October Saint Josephs: Faith Formation Night : Confirmation
28th October Saint Josephs: Reconciliation Paraliturgy for Confirmation Children 10am
4th NovemberSaint Josephs: Bishop Terry’s visiting Saint Joseph’s 10am
5th NovemberSaint Josephs: Sacrament of Confirmation 3pm
22nd NovemberSaint Joseph’s: Prep and Juniors Year Level Mass
13th DecemberSaint Josephs: End of Year Mass 9.15
15th December Saint Josephs: Graduation Mass 6.30pm

Religious Education at Saint Joseph’s 

We are a Catholic School that models Religious Education lessons around the teachings of the Gospel where we are all encouraged to be the best person that we can be. We promote curiosity and wonder when exploring themes of Social Justice and we approach this learning using an Inquiry method based on the Pedagogy of Encounter. We explore other religions in the context of the Christian faith and encourage tolerance and acceptance of all people and all religious denominations. 


Sacrament Dates - Seniors  

                TERM 4            3rd October - 20th December

25th October Saint Josephs: Faith Formation Night : Confirmation
28th October Saint Josephs: Reconciliation Paraliturgy for Confirmation Children 10am
4th NovemberSaint Josephs: Bishop Terry’s visiting Saint Joseph’s 10am
5th NovemberSaint Josephs: Sacrament of Confirmation 3pm