Luna Community Report 

Term 3, 2022

What an eventful term we have had! The Luna children enjoyed learning and participating in all the fun activities and made more positive memories with their friends. They celebrated Book Week and dressed up as their favourite book characters. We also had fun learning about glass during Science Week. We are so proud of how far they have come in all aspects of their learning and all the relationships they have formed in the community.



The Luna readers are exploring different text types and learning about the features of a recount and narrative. Each day we learn to decode Heart Words and decodable words. We use our guided reading sessions to practise the reading skills taught in our mini lessons. We have read recounts about our 100 Days of School party and our teddy bear picnic. 



The authors of Luna learnt what a narrative and a recount are in Reading, and have written their own. Using the writing process, they started off by brainstorming answers to the questions: what, where, when, why and how and completed their own planners. Then, they wrote their own recount of the picnic we had in the Luna community and edited their work for spelling, capitalisation, full-stops and finger space errors.  They also practised writing Heart Words and tricky decodable words.


The past few weeks our Luna Mathematicians have been working on data collection. They have asked 10 of their friends and represented the data in their books either using tally marks, drawings, or graphs. The kids have enjoyed coming up with their own questions and recording their friends’ answers. Our Mathematicians have also been introduced to sharing objects equally.


In Inquiry, the Luna children are exploring different aspects of cultures from around the world. They have watched videos of traditional performances and looked at pictures of traditional costumes worn on special celebrations in Australia by people from various cultures. We celebrated Science Week by exploring how glass is made. 



In SEL, the Luna community Citizens are learning to identify the size of problems we face in everyday life. We use a catastrophe scale to identify the size of the problem and the reaction. We categorise problems as small, medium, big and huge. We explore the difference between right and wrong decisions and explain our reasoning for these decisions. 


Book Week 

We had a wonderful day celebrating Book Week! 


Students Of The Week