Performing Arts

Performing Arts Highlights


Year Prep 

The Luna and Achilles Communities developed their understanding of the musical elements by listening to the environmental sounds, using creative movement, experimenting with voice and playing a range of percussion instruments. This included the drums, rhythm sticks, jingle bells and shakers. Students learned to identify the difference between steady beat and no beat, fast and slow tempo, high and low pitch, as well as loud and soft dynamics.



Year 1/2 

The Ulysses, Xenica and Argus Communities focused on understanding the different rhythm patterns in music by learning to sing chants, echo clapping/body percussion and then transferring that knowledge onto melodic and percussion instruments. This included guiros, drums, triangles and xylophones. Students developed their confidence to devise their own creative food chants, express dance actions and use the instruments to match the rhythms, as well as follow the steady beat. 


Year 5/6 Dance Club 

Every Thursday during lunch club, a group of Year 5/6 students have been rehearsing a 1950's dance routine inspired by the popular dance moves from 'The Hand Jive' as part of the Decades Dance unit previously learned in Performing Arts. Students have volunteered to take part in developing their ability to follow choreography to show expressive and technical skills. They will perform the short dance at Assembly on Wednesday morning. 


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