Monarch Community Report
Issue 11
Monarch Community Report
Issue 11
Monarch Community Report September
This term in our reading learning students have been focussing on understanding what they are reading by using questioning. They have been creating questions for texts using information that is in the text along with questions that require them to put clues together to answer the questions. Students have been answering ‘Right Here’ questions – questions where the answer is directly in one part of the text, ‘Search and Think’ questions – questions where the answer is in multiple sentences students must think about and connect ideas and ‘Author and Me’ questions – where students need to make a connection to the text and use evidence in the text to answer.
We have really been enjoying reading ‘Holes’ and will be finishing off the term by watching the movie version of the book. Students will be making comparisons between the movie and the book.
Aitken Hill celebrated ‘Book Week’ with a dress up day and a door decorating competition. The 5/6 community collectively created a door decoration using the theme of ‘Holes’. We are really proud of the way our door looked in the end!
This last couple of weeks the Monarch Community have been learning about poetry. To begin our poetry topic we had to learn and understand language devices such as Metaphor, Simile, Imagery, Symbolism, Personification, Hyperbole and many more to support our poems. We have explored different types of poetry such as, haiku, couplet, quatrain, and limerick. We have read examples and then followed the structure and rules to create our own. For example, a haiku poem has 3 lines but the first line needs to have 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the third line has 5 syllables. We needed to follow these rules carefully to make sure our poems were correct.
In Term 3, the Monarch community has explored mathematical concepts related to Multiplication and Division and the links between the two operations. Some of the terminology students worked towards understanding included:
We worked towards the automatic recall of fact families by developing, practicing and consolidating efficient mental and written strategies to use when solving mathematical problems that used Multiplication or Division. For example, we used:
We examined written problems that involved Multiplication and Division and used many of the above strategies to help us solve each one.
This term in Inquiry students have been learning about global warming and the impact humans have on the environment. Students have created podcasts about issues relating to climate change.
We also had a great day visiting the Zoo, where we learnt more about how humans affect the environment and the way in which the Zoo helps endangered animals, such as the: Baw Baw Frog.
Gala Day
On 2 September year 5/6s attended Gala Day. We played Capture the Flag and End Zone. We played against numerous schools from our district. All year 5/6s that attended showed great team work and were able to congratulate other schools for their wins.
Friendly Reminders
Please remember:
We look forward to another great term in Monarch for Term 4!
The Monarch Community Teachers