Principal's Report

End of Term 3

Term 3 was packed full of many events and activities that we have missed over the past 2 years. It was great to welcome parents along to some of these events and finally have our whole school community back together. 


Some highlights for the term were Pyjama Day, Book Week and Book Fair, Athletics days, District Gala Day, Brisocola tournament, P-2 Commonwealth Games Day, Care ticket trade in days and we finished off the term with our footy colours day.


In Term 4, we look forward to our Year 5/6s heading on our first school camp. We also have our P-6 Colour Run, Year 6 Graduation as well as many other exciting activities for our students.

Principal For A Day

During Term 3, I had the privilege of spending the day with Haris, who used his Care Tickets to be Principal for the Day. Haris was very helpful throughout the day when decisions needed to be made and had many great suggestions for our school. Haris helped run assembly and represented out school with pride. Well done Haris, thank you for your support! 

You can read more about Haris' day in the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support section of our newsletter.

Building Works

At the end of Term 3, our shade sails began being installed in the Learning Street. We thank everyone for their patience whilst this work is being completed.

Over the next 18 months there will be a number of projects being completed that will add great value to our students school experience. This will result in some disruption to our movements about the school, however will provide the complete package for our students once finished.

As part of the inclusion funding grant of $200 000 we received, 3 separate projects will be installed. In the sandpit area and near the Prep communities, engaging paths will be installed and a water pump for the sandpit area. A 2nd feature will be musical instruments through the learning street and the 3rd feature will be a 3-6 playground which will be located down near the oval. We are hoping that this work is completed ready for day 1 next year.


We will be receiving a new double storey portable and a single storey portable as well as a student toilet. These works will happen early in the term and be ready for day 1 next year.


The new main building that we received $11 000 000 for will house up to 300 students and have a variety of learning and meeting spaces for students, staff and parents to accomodate our growing school. These works will be completed by the end of 2023.


And finally, the car parks and gates to the rear of our school will open. These are located where the new softball centre and soccer fields are. At this stage we believe this will be ready for everyone to access early in Term 4.