Around the Classrooms

Year 1 and 2

Literacy – Ancient Civilisations (Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt)

This term students have been learning about ancient civilisations. We have learnt about life in Mesopotamia and most recently, Ancient Egypt! This unit has really made the students excited about life in a previous time by the way they live, work and rituals. It has been great to watch students confidence grow with the questions they ask about Egypt and how much knowledge they retain. We are excited to share our learning with families from the website we have created (link will be released later in the week). Have a look at all the hard work they have put in. Well done ½’s!



Numeracy (Time and Money)

This term, the students have been working hard understanding the Australian money system and digital and analogue time. The students have been able to practise their knowledge of analogue clocks by creating their own flower clocks where they can explain what each hand does and how to correctly read it. Alongside this, students have worked hard reading the digital time on clocks and using this understanding to create analogue clock faces. We have also been practising using Australian coins and notes to buy a range of items such as food on a menu, grouping silver coins and gold coins together to read the amount. It has been great to follow their learning this term and ask your ½’s which coins they would rather – gold or silver? 

Year 3 and 4

This term students focused on Ancient Rome for Literacy. They enjoyed learning about the history, culture and lifestyles of Romans. Students each week wrote SPO’s, paragraphs, about Ancient Rome looking at correct sentence structure, vocab words and punctuation. Students then presented their presentations to the class in a 2 min speech. Well done to all students for their fabulous presentations!

Year 4, 5 and 6


Students have been learning about poetry. Content Knowledge consists of analysing a type of poem and then in Text Construction students write their own poem utilising poetic devices from that style. Villanelle, metaphor, rhyme scheme and allusion are some styles of poems that students have explored. This week, they will be publishing their best poem along with a biography to share information about them as a poet. 



 In Maths, students have learning about three dimensional shapes. They have been working hard at designing and constructing their own shape cities consisting of different 3D shapes. The properties of these shapes are being explored so that students can recognise faces, vertices, and edges. Have a look at some of the cities being formed!