Engaging with Place

Some Engaging With Place Recipes

From Darebin Council

After being the first in the world to declare a climate emergency, Darebin Council again led the way with the adoption of Darebin’s Climate Emergency Plan 2017-22.

Council is now working on a new and ambitious Climate Emergency Strategy and Action Plan, leading the way to reach zero emissions by 2030 in Darebin. 

A hotter climate and extreme weather events will impact all of us. We are especially keen to hear from young people and their families to ensure that our strategy reflects all our experiences.

Head over to https://yoursay.darebin.vic.gov.au/climate to see the range of things you can do to get involved:

  1. Please take the time to complete the 15 minute survey by 30 September;
  2. Share your vision or big idea;
  3. Attend scheduled workshops or public events;
  4. Share this with your friends and networks;
  5. Print and display our poster or brochure or email us to get some delivered to you; or
  6. Host a workshop with your community group in September.

To organise a workshop or organise poster/brochure delivery, contact the project team on (03) 8470 8888 or email climateemergency@darebin.vic.gov.au. Together we can make a difference!