Learning and Teaching


On Sunday 4th September, 3 Children from our One Heart Community celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation. Through this Sacrament, the children are sealed with the Holy Spirit and invited to live more fully as Jesus calls us to. We pray for these 3 students especially and for all of us to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit. 


Let us pray,

May the Gifts of the Holy Spirit bring fire to the earth so that the presence of God 

may be seen in a new light, in new places, in new ways. May our own hearts burst into flames so that no obstacle, no matter how great, ever obstructs the message of God within each of us.  God of power, may the boldness of your Spirit transform us, may the gentleness of your Spirit lead us, may the gifts of your Spirit be our goal and our strength, now and always..  Amen

Curriculum Overviews Term 4

We are fast approaching the end of Term 3 and what another fantastic term it has been that has showcased the wonderful learning that has taken place.  Our targeted teaching groups have continued to thrive in our One Heart communities.  We see and hear learning from our target groups that transfer into other areas of school life.  Our strong learning intentions and targeted success criteria has meant growth has be had across literacy and numeracy.  Talk with your child about their target groups at home, this will help them consolidate new learning.  

Projects 3-6

Next Thursday, our grade 3 to 6’s from St Gabriel’s will be visiting St Stephen’s 3-6 hub to experience their Art Gallery.  This is the culmination of a term’s worth of Project based learning that we call “My Project”.  We are excited for our St Gabriel’s children to see success and for our St Stephen’s children to be empowered through this LAUNCH!  

Premier’s Reading Challenge 

Thank you to all of our children who took place in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and thank you to the families for your support.  We know that regular reading at home significantly supports children in all aspects of learning at school.  Reading Challenge certificates will be issued by Victoria Department of Education later in the year.  

Parent Teacher Interviews

Monday 12th September 1.00pm - 5.30pm. Online or at school. 

A booking code will be sent shortly. If you attend the school - you must be fully vaccinated with proof shown at the office. This is a time that our educators will discuss and celebrate your children's learning, progressions, and growth.  


If you already have had or going to  have a PSG meeting this term, this replaces Parent Teacher interviews and you do not need to book. 


Bookings Close Sunday


St Stephens:  http://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/v5u4e