Mathematics Talent Quest Awards

Kathrine White

Congratulations to the Year 4-6 students who participated in MTQ. We are incredibly proud of the effort you put in to your projects. MTQ is a challenging, high level initiative and I am proud that our students earned an impressive number of High Distinctions, Distinctions and Credits this year. High Distinction awards will be presented at an awards ceremony at IMAX next term. Details about the event will be emailed to families early next term.


Year 4: James B, Eve B, Ella B, Vivian C, Melina S, Jack H, Jacob S


Year 5: Jasmine B, James W, Aarash C, Hannon B, Abigail H, Thomas K, Dom R, Linh N, Aazra A, Kai J, Thomas W, Lennox J, Daniel C, Oscar F, Sahana N, Gardner B, Liam W, 


Year 6: Brianne B, Charlie W-C, Noray H, Siahna D, Muqing Z, Joy C, Shlok S, Jax T, Stefan K, Saurav M, Jack W, Ethan D


Congratulation to all participants, we are very proud of you.


Katherine White -Leading Teacher (Numeracy)